The wonderful thing about the Internet is that it is completely open to all. I started this website when I had just my “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column to promote. Later, I added various blogs that I did for other sites and writing I did that wasn’t specific to my weekly column. Other website features evolved. Then, my Book and Radio Show and now two new features I love and am so proud of that I need to crow about them, just a bit!
#LifeLessons are simply that. They are 1-minute audio features that I produce for my radio show but make available here and to any one that would like to carry them – at no charge – on their own radio station or internet radio network. So far, I’ve produced 22 Life Lessons, each carries its signature song at the beginning and at the end. A new one is added each week.
Then, there’s the new “A Dad’s Point-of-View” comic strip. It began, originally, as “It’s a Tech World After All” for the website. My 14-year-old son, Aaron, drew the first bunch of them and either wrote or co-wrote them with me. Those comics were largely about Dad being a tech boob and Son patiently, at times, and exacerbated at other times, trying to teach Dad basic tech. Stan Lee, of Marvel fame, loved and recommended them, and even autographed my son’s #1 effort!
Now, those characters have been re-purposed, re-imagined, and re-drawn (by new artist Christopher Moonlight) and myself into the “A Dad’s Point-of-View” Comic Strip. Our canvas is much larger but Dad is still basically a boob and Son is still a teenager. ‘Nuff said? I love the very first one, “Blink of an Eye,” as it captures completely the heart, soul, and humor I’m seeking for these comics!
So, dear readers, I hope you enjoy these new features on my website and I welcome suggestions, comments (we all LOVE comments), and your support! Remember: Be the Best Dad or Mom You Can Be!