When I first began writing, I wrote for a local throwaway newspaper. I had no idea what a blog or blogger was. I did know about downloading music online and email. MySpace was a big deal for a while. YouTube had yet to appear. Oh, and I heard about all the porn. Not much else. Facebook, Schmacebook. Twiiter? Why did I need to know where you were having lunch? Tweet Chats? Gimme a break…another chat room? Forget it.
I hired a tutor to teach me the basics of Facebook, Twitter, and how to broaden my writing to include a website and more. Being an old fart, I needed and still often need hands-on help to pick up this stuff. It works best when I sit side-by-side with someone in the know, as I did with those tutorials.
Over time, I actually surpassed my tutor in some of the common measurements of SoMe success such as Klout, number of followers, and such. My tutor took a very formal approach to using Social Media while I sort of threw it up against the wall and saw what stuck. I still do. Occasionally, I get myself in trouble but, more often, I have a blast.
As with most rules, my first instinct is to ignore them, but with time I’ve come to terms with some netiquette and have great SoMe friends who keep me in line. I get the heads-up when I may have either crossed a line (thank you, @DadaRocks!) or aren’t applying the best practices, SMManners (thank you, @DabneyPorte). Other friends – @mqtodd – tell me why I must do Empire Avenue, or Google+ – @GuyKawasaki. And, others tout StumbleUpon and Pinterest.
So far, I’m doing my writing (aka blog – I just don’t like that term; much preferring writing and writer). I pay close attention to my A Dad’s Point-of-View Facebook Page, less to my personal profile, join a number of TweetChats regularly such as #blogchat, #FriendsOfRicki, #tchat, #CMchat, #CollegeCash, and more, as well as guest-host for many others. When I’m bored or want to shoot-the-shit, I head over to #UsGuys.
Beyond that, I tweet on average 75 times per day. I also use and spend a considerable amount of time with Triberr, where I am chief of the DadChat tribe and a peon in several others. Through the people I’ve met in these tribes, I follow a lot of smart writers and SoMe pros. I pride myself on commenting and/or tweeting a majority of the stream that my 200+ tribe mates generate. For that matter, I’m a big commenter altogether – another avenue for me to use my big mouth.
All of that social media activity doesn’t fill my days, as I also attend and speak at major conferences, such as BlogWorld and the 140confs, write the Because I Said So comic strip (expertly illustrated by @VoogDesigns), broadcast a radio show that appears on 4 AM stations nationwide, post two weekly columns, and video, edit, and post a weekly vlog, called I’m NOT That Dad, and edit/post other videos on my YouTube Channel (a lot of ski videos!). I’ve written 24 articles for the wonderful 12Most.com as well as guest-blogged on dozens of others. That part of my writing life is coming to an end since there really are only 168 hours a week.
So, all this SSP (shameless self-promoting) notwithstanding, I come back to my question. Which social media tools do you use?
Below is a list from listly in which you can vote and contribute your own items directly to this list. TY @NickKellet for doing this. I have no idea about it but I like and trust Nick.
Please let me know your thoughts on all of this in the comments section below. And, please tell me which you believe I must include in my SoMe life!