Cats vs. Dogs at #PetRap Sunday

cats vs. dogs

It’s the eternal debate. Cats vs. dogs. Are you a cat or a dog person? Sort of like are you are you a Beatles or a Stones person. Let’s have a catfight – or dogfight, if you prefer, this Sunday at #PetRap at 5:00 p.m. PT/8:00 p.m. ET. I expect some PASSION and some persuasive arguments on both sides. I’ll declare now that I am DEFINITELY a dog dude!

Difference between cats and dogs

Movie Trivia Contest #1

So, this is our first Movie Trivia Contest. I’ll be doing it on an irregular basis. I hope it’s fun for you. I love old movies so mostly we’ll focus on older, classic films. The first ten correct answers will win a PDF copy of either of my books – cover images are below. I’m asking for the Honor System and asking that you not use Google to find the answer. Beyond the correct answer, the ten winners will be determined by what interesting facts about this particular movie they share.

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How to Embarrass Your Kids

Embarrassment photo

I like to think that I’m the cool dad. And, in many ways, my boys and their friends confirm that thinking. But, in other ways, I’m the dad that does too many embarrassing things. I think all parents do this but it’s the degree and particulars that will make a big difference to your kids and will hurt your ability to get close to them and their circle.

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Social Media Social Good: Is Commenting Dead?

Always plugged-in comic

I used to comment on various blogs ALL the time. It was an indispensible part of growing my Social Media presence. For a variety of reasons, my commenting has slowed down to a trickle. I still advocate the value of commenting in tweets, on #blogchat (where I’m a regular participant), my own #DadChat, and in columns and even when I speak at conferences. So, why have I slowed down so significantly?

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Best of: Best Friend or Best Parent?

Sex and Vegas

This post will continue the “Best Of” series of column re-runs — early “A Dad’s Point-of-View” columns that may not have seen much in the way of readers. Thankfully, my writing and Social Media work have grown considerably since I began writing way back when. What I strived to do from the onset was to write about topics that had what I like to call evergreen value, meaning the topic was not time-sensitive.

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Barenaked Ladies Comedy Concert Clip

The Barenaked Ladies are celebrating 25 years of making music. We saw them at The Santa Barbara Bowl on June 22, 2013. It was a GREAT concert. NOTE TO YOUTUBE: This is just talk and NO copyrighted music, so please don’t hassle me! That “note” eludes to the reality that YT cracks down hard on any of us who post any unlicensed music. Personally, I don’t get it when it’s recording a “live” event, but I can’t risk having them shut me down. So, this clip is in the middle of the Barenaked Ladies performing “If I Had a Million Dollars” and is simply a comedy bit – a very funny one. I hope you enjoy it!