Teaching Our Kids #Empathy at #DadChat

What is empathyTeaching our kids empathy is this Thursday’s #DadChat topic on June 27 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. EVERY parent knows that our kids tend to see the world through one view – their own. Then they become teenagers and ONLY see it ALL from a self-centered POV. How do we parents teach them to care about others, the world at large, and away from their own immediate needs and wants? That is what we’ll discuss with co-host Marie Roker-Jones this week.

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Men vs. Women: Summer Vacations

Summer vacation at the beach

Well, my son’s last day of his sophomore year in high school just took place while my freshman in college returned home a couple of weeks ago. It’s summer. And, many of us are planning summer vacations and other warm-weather pursuits. You might wonder how or why this is fodder for this column series on the differences between men and women? Simply, I believe almost everything has the potential to explore and contrast how men and women look at, do, behave, and otherwise proceed with life. Summer and summer vacations are no exception.

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Generation Gap: Dad Liked You Best

Comic about Generation GapAhhh, the generation gap. It always strikes when we least expect it. And, this new Because I Said So comic strip – number 87 – hits it right on with a reference from “Dad” that “Son” doesn’t get. The Generation Gap strikes again!

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The Evolution of Technology: MTV

MTV logo

It’s time to continue our Evolution of Technology series, this time remembering MTV. As usual, I co-write these columns with Professor David E. Weber. I can’t believe I’m even putting “MTV” and “Remembering” in the same sentence, but it’s now been long enough that MTV is part of our nostalgia plus the changes in MTV have been significant in addition to its impact on our culture and entertainment.

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Rock N Roll Summer Songs at #DadChat

 Album cover for The Best of The Beach BoysEvery time #DadChat does music, we have a blast. Don’t we ALL love summer ROCK songs? What are your favorites? Bring your favorite rock ‘n’ roll summer songs and your classic pop ones as well. Back again to co-host is School-of-Rock maven Jason Ramsey! Heck, if you have a fav hip-hop or rap, share ’em! That means, have the YouTube link handy and ready. We’ll have a transcript – as always – so don’t worry about seeing them all during our chat this Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.

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Confronting Sexual Abuse

 Children's fears about sexual abuseRecently at #DadChat, we “took on” sexual abuse as our topic. It was a powerful chat with a powerful co-host in Rachel Thompson, author of Broken Pieces, her very open and personal story about her own painful experience with sexual abuse. Rachel is not bashful or shy about attacking this subject. She is also not afraid to be frank. Consequently, this particular #DadChat hit home for many participants and provided some great takeaways.

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