#Pets and Our Kids at #PetRap – New Time!

Sweet photo of baby and his dog - petsPets and our kids is our #PetRap topic this Sunday – at our NEW TIME of 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. PT/8:00 – 9:00 p.m. ET. We will lead in to the wonderful #blogchat that begins immediately afterward. My little boy poked our beloved Mazel in the eye and got a nip on his face as a consequence. The tiny scar is still there on his 19-year-old face. We saw it happen and we knew is was not our dog’s fault, but it raised the question of safety in our home vis-a-vis our dog and our son.

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The Empty-Nest Road Trip Blues: Chapter 9 – Boston, Here We Come

Moving along, it’s time for Day Nine aka Chapter 9Boston, Here We Come. I relate our last day “on the road” and the surprises that greeted us on arrival in Boston.

How about skipping that $5 Starbucks latte and splurging $2.99 (for the Kindle on Amazon) or $2.79 for the PDF of my new e-book? Enjoy my own informercial for it! This e-book is really a virtual journey. It’s filled with 100 photos, 7 original videos, and links to many of the stops on the trip. Click on the book cover image below to find your purchase options: 

Book Cover from The Empty Nest Boston, Here we come

Pouting, Pride, and Phamily

comic on Pride

Pouting. We all dislike it, but I bet most of us still do it. So, this topic is not just reserved for our kids. Do you pout when you don’t get your way? Does your spouse? I’m a world-class pouter. But, thankfully, my adult brain occasionally kicks in to persuade me of the folly of that behavior. For our kids, that adult brain isn’t there yet.

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Father’s Day at #DadChat – Dad Heroes

My Dad is a HERO

Last week at #DadChat we took on the very powerful subject of Sexual Abuse with co-host Rachel Thompson. It was heavy, important, and if you were not there, here is the transcript. This Thursday June 13, 2013 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET – in honor of Father’s Day – we are going to celebrate dads by telling stories of either our dads or dads we know that were or are heroes. By “heroes,” I mean not only the big-time heroes like our first-responders and military, but the everyday dad that just did his job and took care of his family – like my dad. We have a couple of prizes to give away as well – read on for details.

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Social Media Social Good: New Platforms

Learning Social Media comic

I’m a creature of habit. It may have begun in Junior High at homeroom when I had an assigned seat I think, for the first time. Yeah, I know they call it “Middle School” now, but my age is part of the point of this column. I’m old and set in my ways and learning new platforms or most any new tech or tech device can make me crazy (Sorry PC Police for using a banned word!). Heck, I don’t like any change.

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Dad, Technology Genius

Because I Said So comic strip technology genius

Again, I MUST remind you that I’m NOT That Dad (which is just the name of my weekly vlogs)! This comic script, however, was inspired by my younger son attending his prom. “Dad” tries to take a photo of his dashing-looking son thinking that he, “Dad,” is in fact a technology geniusl.

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