Pet Quirks at #PetRap Sunday

Goofy dogs - pet quirks

Everyone who has pets has had those times when their pet does something that simply makes you giggle. Call it a quirk; call it personality; call it whatever! It’s one of the many joys of having pets in your life. Let’s get together this Sunday, June 9 at noon – 1:00 p.m. PT/3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET and share some of those funny pet quirks.

Anatomy of the Golf Swing: My Wife

Outside of me, our boys, and her family, my wife loves three things: golf Golf and GOLF. She finally got me to begin…with “begin” being the operative word. Though this game doesn’t really suit my temperament, it is fun and quite difficult. Enjoy these short clips, in real time, slow-mo, and high speed of my wife’s golf swing, off the tee!


What Does Instagram Say About Us?

Cartoon about Instagram

Instagram is one of those new platforms that have been an instant success. Like most new things, I tend to wait and get aboard only when I have to – I’m forced to – or really, when I finally get over my anxiety about learning it. Now, I love using it and I share really important things via the photos I take with my phone. Things such as what I’m eating for breakfast, hundreds of photos of Simon (my dog), and my feet, when I’m napping.

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Taking ON #SexualAbuse at #DadChat

Broken Pieces - Sexual Abuse

We will be giving away THREE copies of Broken Pieces at #DadChat this week!

No one can accuse #DadChat of shying away from the tough subjects and you don’t get much tougher/harder than talking about Sexual Abuse. We all know how pervasive this problem is and, probably, most of us either know someone or sadly have experienced sexual abuse ourselves. We have a survivor of Sexual Abuse to help us with this sensitive discussion in Rachel Thompson, who will be our special co-host at #DadChat this Thursday, June 6, 2013 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. Rachel is very open and outspoken about her own story and this subject. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions ’cause she’s going to talk about the hard truth of Sexual Abuse.

We will be giving away THREE copies of Rachel’s book, Broken Pieces at #DadChat this week.

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Men vs. Women: Work-Life Balance

 Scrabble work life balance

Continuing with this series of columns, let’s examine the ongoing and increasingly big struggle we all face when trying to balance our lives, ubiquitously now known as work-life balance. Work is now a 24/7 option. I suppose “Life” is, too. But, work has intruded in our lives in ways never before imagined. The life of the advertising guys in “Mad Men” ended, to a degree, at the end of their proscribed workday or depending on how drunk they were on any given occasion. The end of our work-lives today is completely random. And, I’ll assert that men and women approach this work-life balancing act in different ways.

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How Much is One Billion: 1,000,000,000?

What is one billion?

#DadChat recently surpassed one billion impressions for the first few months of 2013 – an impressive number, but so what? Numbers and statistics are bandied about by just about everyone. It starts with our age. When we’re little kids we tell our age in fractions – heck, mom and dad say “Little Sally” is 7 1/2 months old, if asked. Once our kids are old enough to say their age, it’s usually with fingers and a fraction AND often with “I’m going to be FOUR!” Once you’re my age, you stick with your current age until the DAY of your next birthday. But, how much is one billion? How much is one trillion? And, what do numbers like these mean in Social Media?

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Comic In-Laws are coming
The in-laws are coming, the in-laws ARE COMING! Ahh, the joys of visiting in-laws. Dad is NOT happy that his are coming, though Son seems extremely excited. I need ANOTHER reminder for everyone that I’m NOT That Dad. My in-laws just left after a week’s visit and I adore them and – honestly – was sad to see them leave.

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Racism and Other Isms

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Featured guests:

Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board – for “Political Talk.”

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”

Special Guest, Jeffrey Lee talking about Genetic Anti-Aging (SilverLining21)

Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, Am I Racist? Racism is always a hot topic, but we may also touch on the goings-on in D.C. How can we not?

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