Cross-Country Road Trip – Top Sites

Hours of video were taken on our cross-country road trip last summer, from Los Angeles to Boston, driving my son to begin his freshman year at college. It was an eventful cross-country road-trip, replete with break-downs, surprises, and flea-bag motels. Enjoy some of the highlights in this short 8-minute video of the top sites!

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Photos, Cameras, Video at #DadChat by #Samsung

We all want to preserve our best family memories? What do YOU use? A still camera, cell-phone, video-cam, tablet, or do you sketch in charcoal? Samsung is sponsoring this week’s #DadChat – just in time for Mother’s Day – on Thursday, May 9 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET, and giving away two amazing prizes! Our discussion, as always, will center around our community and this oh-so-relevant topic to everyone. How do we best preserve our memories? How do we share them? Which platforms do we use? What software? What do YOU want – feature-wise – in YOUR camera?

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Are YOU Afraid of Your Wife?

Wife going after husband

How many men do you think are afraid of their wives? If “afraid” is too strong a word, how many men believe they must walk on eggshells in their wife’s presence? What marriages do you know – well – that are successful and appear happy? I chose the word “appear” because no one really knows what is going on inside another’s home and life, so all we can make is educated guesses based on how well we know people.

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Happy Wife, Happy Life

Dad stands up to Wife comic happy wifeDad has had it and he’s standing up to his wife. Son overhears what is going on and is completely shocked – until the end when Dad reveals himself to be “Dad!” It’s true what they say – happy wife, happy life!

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Free Condoms, Free Birth Control – No Parents Needed

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Featured guests:

Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”

Today’s show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, What’s On YOUR Mind so it will cover whatever we all feel like expressing! We’ll get you started with free condoms and free birth control – who needs parents?


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Alien at the Tattoo Convention

This is yet another video from my book, The Empty-Nest Road Trip Blues: An Interactive Journal from A Dad’s Point-of-View. My son and I had just finished driving 3000 miles in eight days, from Los Angeles to Boston. Upon arriving at our hotel, we saw swarms of people with tattoos arriving, as we learned, for The Boston Tattoo Convention. My son quickly left me to meet up with friends and I decided to crash the tattoo convention. The experience proved incredibly eye-opening and I had such a good time with the people that I returned again that night. I turned out to be “the alien” among all present at the Boston Tattoo Convention plus I get a lesson in judgments – don’t make ’em! Enjoy all these tattoos and cool people.

Book Cover from The Empty Nest - tattoo convention

Change the World with @AngelaMaiers at #DadChat

Kids can change the world

Yeah, it may sound corny to want to change the world, but we can. When we look at the problems in our world, they can seem too big, too overwhelming for any of us to affect. But, when you look at it ONE person at a time, then perhaps it isn’t so daunting! In Judaism, it’s called Tikkun Olam, which roughly means to Repair the World. Jews are asked to do this “one person at a time.” Our kids will be the arbiters of change. We must empower them, lead them, and model for them. That is what we’ll discuss with the inimitable Angela Maiers this Thursday from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. Your homework is to read her recent column for the Huffington Post, When Students Say They Want to Change the World — Listen to Them!

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