What’s on YOUR Mind?

Cartoon about what we are thinking

Needless to say, my title is a shameless pitch for comments but, of course, I’m going to share what’s on my mind first. You’re welcome to add anything on yours, please. It’s now two weeks since The Boston Explosion aka The Boston Bombings and I think we’re getting over the initial shock. I am still reeling from the details that my son shared about what happened to him that morning, which I’ll share in a moment.

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Would YOU Like to Co-Host #DadChat?


#DadChat is just two years old and may be the biggest and best parent-centric Tweet Chat on Twitter. We regularly get wonderful co-hosts from all walks of life. We have supported various charities via fund-raisers, and our community has evolved into a 24/7 forum, utilizing the #DadChat hashtag. In January of this year, we unofficially achieved a World Record number of impressions in the 24-hours around the official #DadChat get together every Thursday evening.

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An Amazing Teen, the Boston Explosion, plus Death and Divorce

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Featured guests:

Winter Vinecki – Amazing teen with quite a story!

Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”

This show is devoted covers a cornucopia of topics from the journey of a young teen – amazing story – to how to talk to friends about death and divorce – to what to say to your kids about the Boston Explosion

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Road Trip: 3000 Miles in 3 Minutes

My son and I drove from Los Angeles to Boston in late August/early September of 2012. You might call it a Road Trip. We did it in 8 days, but you only have to watch 3,000 miles in 3 minutes. We had so many adventures, but this will at least give you a taste! It’s all documented in my new ebook.

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Tips for Parents on How to Talk to Your Kids about The Boston Explosion

 Running Shoes and a Heart for Boston

Tips from Dr. Jennifer Weberman, Commentary by Bruce

The Boston Explosion aka The Boston Bombings have had a large impact on all of us. Such a senseless act of terror often raises difficult questions for parents and children. How can such evil exist? Where does it come from? Are we safe? What’s next? The list of questions is endless and for many of them, there is no simple answer, anymore than there is a simple answer to questions of faith. However, as parents, we must be able to comfort our children in these times of unfathomable suffering and unthinkable acts of evil.

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@GuyKawasaki Goes APE at #DadChat Thursday

Guy Kawasaki Book Cover - APE - @guykawasaki

We are so happy and honored to have @Guy Kawasaki return to #DadChat. This time he’s going to talk about his new book, APE: How to Publish a Book – Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. I will ask him several questions as a frustrated author of two books on how I/we can do it best. I will also ask GK questions about fatherhood and hockey. The former since he’s a father of four; the latter since he’s taken up ice hockey in his forties and I want to know WHY THE HECK he would do THAT!?

Note: Here’s the transcript

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Two Common Questions on Death and Divorce that Need to GO!

 Cartoon About the Meaning of LIfe death and divorce

When I was young, my mother would often take offense when someone would ask her, upon seeing me with my mom, “is he your only one?” She was always polite but given that she’d lost two other children, it was one of those questions that hurt, though the person asking had no idea. Simple questions about death, divorce, and our family make-up may seem innocent, but are they really?

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Boston Explosion: Empathy & Grief

Victim of Boston Explosion getting help

I am writing this on the morning after the Boston bombings, so much will be uncovered in the days between this writing and publication. But, this column is not about the who and why of the Boston bombings. It’s about the role Social Media plays in our lives today and how empathy and grief come to bear during these events. It’s also about why we must teach our children well to care about others and reach out in tough times to those in need.

Note: Please listen to or download our special radio show, The Boston Bombings and Our Kids, in which Dr. Weberman offers excellent tips for parents about how to handle such an issue with our kids, and we hear from Pastor Drew Sams with a spiritual viewpoint, and Cheryly LeBon giving a political perspective. 

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