A Dad’s Point-Of-View: We ARE Half the Equation

A Dad’s Point-of-View: We ARE Half the Equation is Bruce Sallan’s first book. It takes the best of his A Dad’s Point-of-View columns and other writings, plus brand new material, and puts it all together in a terrific examination of how to be the best parent you can be.

A Dad's Point-of-View

Bruce’s boys over 10 years ago!

You will get the man’s perspective on issues such as:
– Dealing with a second marriage and blending family traditions

– Surviving the teenage years and raising strong families

– Being a single stay-at-home-dad

– Morals and faith
Bruce shares real stories that are sure to have you saying out loud, “I know exactly what you’re talking about, Bruce!” Moms will find this book compelling and helpful too!

After reading this book, you’ll know you aren’t alone in your parenting journey. You will feel more confident in knowing it truly is possible to raise respectable young men and women in today’s society.

Check out the links below to buy A Dad’s Point-of-View: We ARE Half the Equation as a paperback book, PDF, or ebook and join in the fun. Buy multiple copies and save! You can even get a poster! You can also check out excerpts from the book and reviews.

Don’t forget about Bruce’s other book, too – The Empty-Nest Road Trip Blues: An Interactive Journal from a Dad’s Point-of-View. It’s also available as a bundle package with A Dad’s Point-of-View: We ARE Half the Equation. Get both together and enjoy even more of Bruce’s experiences and insights!

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Excerpts from the foreword

The foreword was written by Michael and Diane Medved. Michael Medved hosts a national radio talk show on politics and pop culture and Diane Medved, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and auther of six books on families and parenthood.

"...the most important result of reading A Dad's Point of View - We are Half the Equation. It's a motivator toward awareness, to stop fumbling along and take a look at the ingredients and outcomes of daily family life, reassured that the foibles and frustrations we face are common and mostly surmountable, and that perfection is not an option. His bittersweet reflections remind us that even the most formidable fathers can be funny and even the silliest dads can prove insightful and inspiring."

"...Reading Bruce's point of view is like reading his journal, a collection of thoughts, reminiscences and observations that could be yours. His expressions mesh the joys, frustrations and milestone experiences of fatherhood with something few dads convey - a guy's emotional reaction to it all."

"...A Dad's Point of View: We ARE Half the Equation isn't only about parenthood; it's about the complex pieces that combine to form a complete life. He includes issues everyone recognizies but not everyone discusses, though they should. Like holidays, the role of faith, family dinners, guy friends, man-woman differences, and the "big stuff" such as feelings of failure and the meaning of life."



"Bruce's fascinating look at the ups and downs of parenting reminds me of Marvel Comics. There, too, we choose not to hide the blemishes of life, but to dicuss them in and entertaining and helpful manner. Must reading for all parents and would-be parents."

— Stan Lee, Marvel Comics, creator of Spiderman, The Fantastic Four, X-Men, and so many more

Bruce Sallan has written a book that is both witty and wise. If you want to be a better man and a better dad, start reading!

— Dennis Prager, nationally syndicated talk show host and best-selling author of Happiness Is a Serious Problem

What I appreciate about Bruce is his consistency. Whether through his weekly column or his radio program you can expect to hear Bruce's humor, honesty, and even humility as he tackles issues from quality time to questions about faith. This book is no different, as it reminds us that he has both feet firmly planted in the often-messy realities of adolescent parenting; with practical insight coming from raw experiences that ivory tower theoreticians often miss. Whether you have 5 minutes or 5 hours, you can jump into A Dad's Point of View: We ARE Half the Equation and be refreshed and encouraged.

— Drew Sams, High School Pastor and Associate Teaching pastor at Calvary Community Church in Westlake Village, California

Sallan, a columnist and radio show host, offers a collection of wisdom and humor on parenting, relationships and shifting social norms, all from a man's perspective.

In these collected columns, Sallan wrestles with parenting teens as a single dad and later as a remarried one, marital issues, quality versus quantity time, friendship and more. He does it from the trenches of morality, faith and responsibility, as he tries to convince parents to stop being their kids' friends, while still accepting sons and daughters for who they are. Don't expect your kids to have similar interests to your own, Sallan says, and don't attempt to live vicariously through them. Personal anecdotes drive his musings home and create an enjoyable mix of advice and lighthearted, relatable reading. Despite the title, the book isn't just for dads; moms will have plenty to learn, too. Rarely preachy, the resonating voice is one of an insightful man who's been through enough in his relationships and parenting years to remain confident yet humble. In "There's No Such Thing as Quality Time," he says you can't schedule moments for your kids to open up to you instead, you have to make sure you're spending enough time with them so that you'll be there when they're ready to talk. In "Do Women Need Men" he claims that, despite the feminist slogan concluding the contrary, women do in fact need men, just as men need women. He wraps up with a motivational column titled "If Not Now, When" which will help safeguard against living a life full of regret. Even if some people might disagree with his ideas, Sallan's columns could motivate readers to inspect the often-overlooked aspects of daily life, to consider relationships from a new angle or to examine a parenting style and then make changes as each reader sees fit.

Individually packaged morsels of wisdom that provide plenty of food for thought.

Kirkus Reviews