It’s Family Dinner-Time at #DadChat with #KraftRecipeMakers

Kraft Recipe MakersThe Family Dinner is our topic this Thursday, September 19 at #DadChat from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET, sponsored by Kraft Foods Recipe Makers. I’ve often extolled the virtues of regular family meals and there have been numerous studies showing their positive benefit for the entire family. Today, it seems harder and harder to all “get” together. Kraft is working to make the food part of it easier and we’ll learn about their wonderful new product – Kraft Recipe Makers – while talking among ourselves about the challenges of The Family Dinner at The Family Dinner Table! Anyone interested in winning a $250 Walmart Gift Card?

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Running and Cancer at #DadChat

Wonder-teen Winter Vinecki

No, we are not suggesting that running leads to cancer. But, we are going to talk about how they happen to be related via our guests and our opportunity tonight. We have two really interesting guest-hosts this Thursday, September 12 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET — 14-year-old Winter Vinecki and Drew Izzo of We also have three terrific prizes for this #DadChat which you can read about at the end of this column.

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Money and Allowance at #DadChat

Funny parenting comic

Money is a problem. For most all of us. But, teaching our kids about money is an extreme challenge today for a variety for a variety of reasons. The sense of entitlement pervades our society! Well, this Thursday September, 5 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET we are going to talk money, allowance, and teaching our kids the value of a buck! We are pleased to have Pam Whitlock of to join us and share her expertise! This is NOT to be missed!

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#SearsAuto Takes Our Cars Back-to-School at #DadChat AND Gives Away a Set of Tires!


Cars. We love ’em. But, when it comes to our kids, maybe we love ’em a bit less? For all of us, taking good care of these 2,000-pound-plus vehicles is important both for safety and enjoyment. Sears Auto is sponsoring #DadChat this Thursday, August 29 at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET, and we’ll be discussing all the issues of car care as it relates to us and our kids. What are your fears regarding your kids driving? Have you observed that many kids are not getting their licenses as soon as we did? Do you and/or your kids know how to take proper care of your car(s)? We have three extraordinary prizes from Sears Auto to give away at this week’s #DadChat on Thursday August 29, 2013.

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Cell-Phone Value Does Exist – Smart Phones, Mobile, and Our Families at #DadChat

Value at Walmart Family Mobile

Okay, who HASN’T opened their smart phone bill and flipped! Why can’t cell-phone plans offer value AND service? #DadChat on Thursday, August 22 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET will discuss this fiscal and practical issue ALL families face. Plus, we have a solution with our sponsor, Walmart Family Mobile. Plus, we’re giving away TWO $100 Walmart gift cards! This is truly what I call a NO-LOSE – aka Win-WIN night! Not to be missed! Be sure to use #FamilyMobileSaves when competing for the two prizes! ONLY those answer tweets with both #DadChat and #FamilyMobileSaves are eligible to win!

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What Did You Do This Summer at #DadChat

 The Beach Boys album cover for Summer Days

Remember when you’d return to school, after summer, and the teacher would ask, “What did you do this summer” and you had to get up in front of the class and answer? That is what we’re doing at #DadChat this Thursday, August 15 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET and I’M going to be the teacher — asking you what YOU did this past summer (and what your family did)!

I might have a couple small prizes this week, too – so be there to find out and perhaps win one!

It’s Back2School Night at #DadChat with @AngelaMaiers – America’s Teacher!

Can it be? Is Summer is almost over? Is it really back to school time? Yes, parents worldwide are celebrating, while kids are moaning and groaning! We have America’s Teacher to help prepare us for this annual ritual. Back again at #DadChat to lead this discussion is America’s TeacherAngela Maiers, on Thursday August 8 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.

Do we really have to buy all new school “equipment” and a new wardrobe for our kids? Why have parents become so involved in today’s schooling?  What should we do to empower our kids to take charge of their schooling – especially once they’ve begun Middle and High School? We’ll ask these and many more questions at this week’s #DadChat.

Angela has given us this homework for this week’s #DadChat – to read. There may be a pop quiz!

Students Are Falling Through the Passion Gap in Schools

How to Hold Onto a Kid’s Natural Genius

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The Entitlement Generation at #DadChat

 The Entitlement Generation

What parent hasn’t thought that their kid was or might be spoiled? Entitled? The Entitlement Generation is NOW – it’s happening in our government – and it’s filtering down to our kids. How do we instill values and a work ethic in our kids? What do you do when you learn that 30% of all school kids steal from stores AND think it’s okay? Do your older kids think that the music they “get” for free online is their entitlement? What about the movies they download “for free?” Oh, it’s just “the man” that they’re screwing? Join us Thursday, August 1 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET for this important discussion!

Rachel Thompson is our special co-host at #DadChat this week!

THIS is an epidemic. And, ironically, the first time that #DadChat is confronting it. We will just touch the service as I suspect this will be a regular topic – sadly – for years to come.

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