The Olympics and #Sports at #DadChat with @SmashFit

It’s Olympics time again. We are deluged with commercials and hours and hours of important sports events such as archery, badminton, and rowing oh, and let’s not forget table tennis! What was once a pure “Amateur” world event now has Roger Federer and Kobe competing. How sports have affected all of us was this week’s #DadChat topic. Are you one of those over-bearing soccer parents? Do you live vicariously through your kids athletic endeavors? We talked about all this Thursday, August 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PT. We also discussed the P&G commercials in The Olympics. They were invited to join #DadChat but did not show up. If interested, here is the full transcript.

Heather Frey aka @SmashFit was our co-host!

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Tragedy, the Media and Our Kids at #DadChat with @GinaSchreck

The recent tragedy in Colorado plus all such things that happen regularly in the world and occasionally in our own families was the topic of this week’s #DadChat on Thursday, July 26 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT. How do we tell our kids about such evil? How do we explain death to them? When and should we protect them from “the news?” We explored this and more with special co-host, Gina Schreck. The homework for this #DadChat was the “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, Batman Rise and the Colorado Shootings! For those who couldn’t make it or want to read all the tweets in this very fast-paced discussion, please refer to the Hashtracking #DadChat transcript – it was a very powerful evening!

#DadChat strives to be the best parent community on Twitter and I believe we’re succeeding because we are not afraid to tackle the tough subjects yet we are a wide-open forum and we do throw in the occasional joke and lighter moments.

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The Future of #SocialMedia for OUR Kids was at #DadChat with @PamMktgNut

Social Media is the new method of networking, working, and interacting in so many ways. We parents have begun to adopt it and, in various cases, it is a part of our lives. BUT, for our kids, it is a HUGE part of their lives. And, going forward, it will only get more and more complicated and integrated into daily life. We were honored to have Social Media and Marketing expert Pam Moore as our co-host on Thursday, July 19 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT.  We discussed what the future may hold for us, Social Media, and our kids! But, the chat covered so very much more: Read the transcript!

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@GetUnreal at #DadChat

We GOT Unreal on Thursday, June 28th from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT for @GetUnreal at #DadChat and learned about Unreal and how you can make efforts to unjunk your kid’s snack foods! We were joined by co-host @TheGoToMom, and guests @markhymanmd, and @GetUnreal. Three lucky winners won gift packs of Unreal. It was a spirited, informative, and oh-so-fun chat. Read the transcript (which may be lagging due to some tech problems with Twitter).

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We Asked Dr. Hill at #DadChat

#DadChat was honored to have renowned pediatrician Dr. David Hill – aka @DadsBook – on Thursday, June 21, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT. The NBA Game stole some of our “Thunder,” so to speak, but we had an intimate chat nonetheless! Questions of all sorts were asked and three lucky people won copies of Dr. Hill’s new book, Dad to Dad: Parenting Like a Pro. Next week – June 28 – we #GetUnreal at #DadChat, with @TheGoToMom!

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