What the Plus! – Guy Kawasaki comes to #DadChat

Guy Kawasaki Joins #DadChat on May 17

#DadChat continued to celebrate its 1-year anniversary with very special co-host Guy Kawasaki, on May 17 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PST. We discussed his new book, What the Plus! plus much more! Read the transcript as you missed the BIGGEST #DadChat ever and one of the biggest Tweet Chats, period with over 2000 tweets, over 400 participants, over a 3 million reach, and OVER 80,000,000 impressions!

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Have WE Spoiled Our Kids at #DadChat

We had another intense #DadChat – too many tweets to follow! Thank G*d for @hashtracking and their transcript!

I just wrote a column – Entitled – that certainly address this question of entitlement. Implicit is the issue of our kids being spoiled. And, us too for that matter! Are we spoiled? Are we spoiling our kids? That is our topic this Thursday, May 10 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PST, with co-hosts Charlie aka @HowToBeADad and Andy aka @BetaDad.

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A Double-Header #DadChat and #CollegeCash On College, Parents, Money, and Our Kids

We had a FANTASTIC two hours of #DadChat and #CollegeCash…My head is literally spinning. I will have to read the transcript since I know I missed so much!

We’re going to try something different this week with #DadChat. We are going to do the first Double-Header Switch-Chat as we double up with @JodiOkun’s #CollegeCash and go for two hours, Thursday May 3 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. PST! Plus, to make it more interesting, I will be the guest-host on #CollegeCash, while Jodi will the guest-host on #DadChat.

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