Favorite Mom Moments for #MothersDay at #DadChat

Momma Loves book coverIt’s Mother’s Day this Sunday. What are you doing for Mother’s Day? How about sharing your favorite Mom Moment with us at #DadChat this Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. We have special guest Ali Smith, photographer and author of Momma Love joining us. And, you can win a personally autographed copy of her book for the mom in YOUR LIFE for this Mother’s Day.

Momma Love has again been included in The New York Times list of 8 best picks for Mother’s Day – Books to Share on Mother’s Day!

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Social Media Careers – The Future for Our Kids? Guy Kawasaki at #DadChat


How important is Social Media in YOUR LIFE? How important is it in your kid(s) lives? AND, more relevant — how will Social Media impact their careers? Will EVERYONE have to be tech-friendly and proficient? Let’s explore these ideas with tech guru Guy Kawasaki, making his third appearance at #DadChat Thursday May 1 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. Guy joins us this week in his new capacity as Chief Evangelist for the start-up Canva! ABOUT Canva. Check out how Canva works.

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What is the VALUE of College? – #DadChat

The Jonas Family

                                             The Jonas Family

College. Every parent thinks their kids should go to college. And, many want them to rush into it immediately after high school. Is college the right path for EVERY kid? Is college worth its cost these days? Did you know that the cost of tuition is BY FAR the highest inflationary item of them all – health care is a DISTANT second! We have a home-schooling family co-hosting #DadChat tonight. Jim and PJ Jonas are the parents of EIGHT kids – and Brett is the oldest and they will bring their thoughts to this edifying topic!

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T is for Testosterone at #DadChat with Dr. John La Puma #Giveaway

Comic about testosterone

Who hasn’t seen those ads for “Low T” and others suggesting that low testosterone is the biggest problem in men’s lives. What is the truth? How can women better communicate with men about their health?  We are going to Take on this Testosterone issue and get to the Truth. Thankfully, we have an expert on this topic in Dr. John La Puma. Homework for this week’s #DadChat is Dr. La Puma’s article in The New York Times, Don’t Ask Your Doctor About “Low T.” Win a copy of Dr. La Puma’s new book Refuel.

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Drugs and Drinking at #DadChat, Part 1

Drugs in schools

No, we are not going to be doing drugs or drinking at #DadChat Thursday, March 27 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. We are going to talk about them and the issue. Drugs and drinking is a huge problem worldwide. Our kids have unfettered access to these dangerous substances. Heck, many parents are suffering their own issues with substance abuse.

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