#Money, #Communication and OUR Kids at #DadChat

 our kids

There is NO DOUBT that money is at the top of everyone’s list of concerns these days. There’s also no doubt that money is one of the topics that cause many rifts between couples and families. How do we teach our kids to respect money? To save? To learn delayed gratification? The inimitable Pam Moore was our very special co-host for this #DadChat! Those were just some of the questions we asked and answered Thursday, October 4. Read the transcript for what you missed!

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Political Correctness Gone Mad at #DadChat

 political correctness gone mad

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick to death of Political Correctness. What happened to honesty? What happened to just treating each other well without regard for saying things EXACTLY the way the PC Police want us to? Is there really free speech anymore? Especially on college campuses? #DadChat took on political correctness gone mad Thursday, September 20 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. Read the transcript! The homework was my latest column titled, oddly enough, Political Correctness Gone Mad.

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It was Back-to-School Night at #DadChat

Back to SchoolIt’s that time of year that parents tend to celebrate and kids dread – summer is over and we’re Back-to-School. Whether it’s starting Kindergarten or college – as illustrated above – it’s a trying time for the kids and sometimes for dad and mom. I’m proud to say that we had my friend Peg Fitzpatrick co-host #DadChat on Thursday, September 6 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT. Read the transcript of another excellent chat with our wonderful community of dads and moms.

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The Empty Nest was at #DadChat – with Ford

empty nest with ford

The 2013 Ford Flex

Thursday, August 23 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT, we discussed The Empty Nest Syndrome at #DadChat. THIS Dad is feeling it big-time because my first-born is starting college at The Berklee College of Music later this month. It’s my belief that this topic has too often focused on how moms feel “losing” their kids. Well, dads go through similar feelings…heck we ALL do! It was a busy and fun night: here’s the transcript.

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