#YouMatter at #DadChat This Week


We are so honored and pleased to have the inimitable, incomparable, and incredible @AngelaMaiers as this week’s #DadChat co-host, February 8 at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. Our topic is both #YouMatter and Open Mic for any questions you have for Angela or other things you’d like to discuss.

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Seniors Last Week: #Sex This Week on #DadChat

Sex, Our Kids, and Us is the topic at #DadChat this week, Thursday February 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. A frank discussion will take place with someone who speaks for our kids, Lauri Burns. No one will accuse #DadChat of shying away from the serious, though we are often silly. Last week we had a very serious discussion about The Triple Decker Sandwich Generation, led by @BarryBirkett, and its affects on all three layers of that challenging sandwich – us, our kids, and our seniors.

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Dads vs. Moms aka Gender War on #dadchat

#DadChat this Thursday, Jan. 19 was a ton of fun. We had over 1500 tweets from over 100 participants. Here’s the transcript…read what you missed and come next week for “The Triple Decker Generation” with co-host @BarryBirkett!

#DadChat has always been about being a great parent – dad or mom. And, we’ve always had equal participation from moms and dads.

You know that we won’t really be pitting dads against moms or women against men, but I think it is time for some #DadChat gender fun! That is why I’ve invited the funny and wonderfully snarky (at least with me) Mimi Baker to co-host this Thursday, January 19 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. read more

#DadChat Discusses Music as God’s Drug

How does music affect your life? How has music been a part of your family? Do you listen to the music your kids listen to? Do they listen to your music?

#DadChat this week, Thursday December 22 at 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST, will discuss music. “Music is God’s Drug” is a quote from Dennis Prager and that is the title of this week’s A Dad’s Point-of-View column, which is loosely the homework for this chat. Enjoy the Ten Best Xmas Songs list and feel free to comment on them or mention your favorites during the chat.

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Are You Or Your Kids Social Media Addicts? #DadChat This Week

Are you addicted to social media? We used to worry about how much time our kids spent on television. Now we worry about how much time they spend on ALL their screens and how much, IF ANY, time they spend outside? That’s our topic for #DadChat this Thursday, December 15 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm pst.

Plus, we’re going to share and discuss a great list from @BrandFlair about manly xmas gift ideas, one of which will be our giveaway! John Boyle will be my co-host and is the author of that list. VueZone has kindly donated TWO of their video monitoring systems. This is a REAL value, a REAL giveaway. More about VueZone is below. We’ll have two to give away plus likely some cool gift baskets, too (tbd).

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Money, Xmas, and Our Family this #DadChat


#DadChat this Thursday, December 8 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST will tackle that most sensitive topic of all. No, we’re not discussing sex, but the second most difficult subject: MONEY – yes, money. What challenges do you face these holidays? Do your kids expect things? What are you teaching them about giving back? PLUS we have a couple great giveaways – see below. You’ll have to earn them, as always!

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Favorite Christmas Songs on #DadChat

Favorite Christmas Songs, Joy/Challenge of Dual-Religion Families, + Giveaways

This week on #DadChat we will share our favorite Christmas songs. We’ll also discuss the Joy and Challenge of dual-religion families and offer suggestions and stories on how to deal with this potential conflict! Join us December 1, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST (9:00 – 10:00 p.m., ET).

Enjoy the 12 Most Beloved Christmas Songs – as reference for this chat. What are yours? You may enjoy our holiday song from years back, sung-a-long with the great Drifters version of “White Christmas:”

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