What Kind of Parent are YOU – Take the Test and Own It! #DadChat

Justin Bieber

                                                    Jeremy and Justin Bieber

Perhaps the most egregious example of being a LOUSY parent is the “dude” above who not only doesn’t “parent” his son, but enables his crazy behavior. What kind of parent ARE YOU? Are you your kid’s best friend or their best parent? I often write about this topic as it is a favorite subject of mine. It’s MUCH easier being their buddy than being their best parent — but the latter is WHAT THEY NEED! Join us Thursday, March 13 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET as we tackle this subject!

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Why is Work/Family Balance So Hard at #DadChat

Dilbert Comic Strip

We often hear the expression Work/Life Balance. I prefer Work/Family Balance because we are all in some sort of family and that is the struggle and challenge we all face these days. Let’s look at what we can and cannot do to ease this conundrum. And, let’s look at it with #DadChat friend Kimunya Mugo from Kenya – LIVE from Kenya – on Thursday, March 6 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. Lead by Choice is Kimunya’s blog.

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Do you Love or Hate Valentine’s Day at #DadChat?

Valentines DayValentines Day everyday

Let’s admit it guys, Valentine’s Day is often a lose-lose proposition for us. Just read this column, Guys Hate Valentine’s Day, which has consistently been one of my most popular posts EVER! And Ladies, go ahead and admit how much it means to you! Let’s hash this out on Thursday, February 6 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. Yeah, let’s share the L O V E!

We have a relationship and dating expert to help us navigate this issue!

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Dad Progress at #DadChat

Dad Logo

This week’s #DadChat is coming to you LIVE from the 2014 Dad 2.0 Summit in New Orleans where #DadChat is a media partner for the third year in a row. A theme of this year’s conference is the progress dads have made in both perception and productivity, in the media, in marketing and at home. This Thursday, January 30 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET join me and the Dad 2.0 dads live from a NOLA Jazz Club at the opening reception of this year’s conference as we chat, connect, and explore these topics.

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What’s On Your Mind at #DadChat

What's on your mind

It’s a New Year. What’s on YOUR mind? What are your hopes, wishes, fears? What do you want for yourself, for your family, for the world? I just returned from a wonderful but sobering trip to Africa and India and I’ve been reflecting a lot about the world, my place in it, and my hopes and dreams for my boys. Let’s have an open dialogue about this and whatever is on YOUR mind Thursday, January 23 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.