#Charity Comes to #DadChat Thursday – #MalalaFund

Nisha - Mahala - Charity

If there’s one thing we must teach our children, it is the value of caring for others – acts of service – charity and giving. We will discuss this subject Thursday, September 17 at 6:00 p.m. PT/7:00 p.m. MT/9:00 p.m. ET. We have a special person to honor this week in Nisha Varghese who is the embodiment of giving and caring! Let’s support HER charity this week – The Malala Fund – here is her fundraising page. Let’s get “her” over the next milestone and top $5,000!

This week’s #DadChat transcript and stats

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A Boomer’s Point-of-View: Envy of Other Parent’s Kids #DadChat

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Who hasn’t heard the glowing stories from another parent extolling the accomplishments of his or her kid(s)? Who hasn’t thought that they wished they had such stories to tell? Well, I think it’s like Joseph Telushkin’s mom said about so-called happy people, “The only happy people I know are people I don’t know very well.” Wiser words have rarely been uttered.

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