Let’s #EXERCISE at #DadChat Thursday

Newsweek Cover - Fat for Life

Exercise. No, it’s not a dirty word but do we or our kids get enough exercise? With all the screens occupying all our minds, are we getting outside or inside and moving our bodies? Why is obesity such a “large” problem today? Let’s talk EXERCISE this Thursday August 20 at 6:00 p.m. PT/7:00 p.m. MT/9:00 p.m. ET with Charlie Jeffers – one of the founders of our beloved Hashtracking.com.

This week’s transcript and stats

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Bring Your Potty Mouth to #DadChat Thursday

Baby potty mouth

At the suggestion of a #DadChat regular and hearty endorsement from our community, we are bringing our “potty mouths” to #DadChat this Thursday, August 13 at 6:00 p.m. PT/7:00 p.m. MT/9:00 p.m. ET. NO, of course WE are not bringing our foul language since ALL us parent are so discreet with it. WE are going to discuss how to manage our children when they hear/learn these words or start using them.

I would love to have a co-host/guest – do you want to bring your point-of-view to this topic? Please email me if interested: [email protected].

Tonight’s #DadChat transcript

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Why I Dislike #Disney Theme Parks but Love Their Movies

I grew up in Los Angeles and most of my birthdays as a child were celebrated at Disneyland. It was in Anaheim. It was the ONLY Disneyland. Ever heard the expression, “an e-ticket ride?” Well, in those days, Disneyland had A through E tickets (for each attraction) so you had to parcel them out and be careful not to use up all your E tickets, which were for the “best” rides (like the Matterhorn).

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