While I write many blogs and other types of content throughout the week, the Weekly Column is my weekly feature topic, which will also be the basis of my weekly radio show and #dadchat. Posted on Sunday night or Monday morning, they are a great way to start off your week with something to think about, as well as something to talk about.

Weekly Columns are available for syndication in your publication. Contact Us for more information!

A World Record at #DadChat

I find it so interesting that one of the most incredible forms of Social Media is just beginning to catch on. By that, I mean advertisers and marketers getting how valuable an active Tweet Chat can be! #DadChat is less than two years old but has a dedicated following of dads and moms that use our hashtag 24/7 and especially during our regular “time slot” on Thursday evenings at 6:00 p.m. PT, 7:00 p.m. MT, and 9:00 p.m. ET. We set a World Record, as far as I can verify, last week with 267,000,000 million Impressions over a 48-hour period, 95% of which took place during our designated one-hour “official” chat! That is NOT a typo. In no small part, this record was achieved by the efforts of co-host Adryenn Ashley (@Adryenn).

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Join Our Comment Posse on Triberr

I’ve exhaulted the value of commenting for ages, including in my column, Why I Comment All the Time. Lately, my life has been so hectic that my commenting has devolved to a slight drizzle. Consequently, so have the comments on my web-site. Think there’s a correlation?

NOTE: We filled up our thirty spots in 24 hours! There will be turnover, so stay in touch for those opening spots!

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Men vs. Women: Dieting, Exercise, and Losing Weight

DietingWell, it seems perfect to take on dieting and losing weight early in the year since it is the NUMBER ONE resolution most people make every New Year! But, like every column in this ongoing series, men and women approach diet, weight loss, and exercise quite differently. And, like every column in this series, I will be making many generalizations, which often and usually have exceptions. And, I will do my best to annoy any Women’s Studies professors and/or students!

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How to Participate in #DadChat or ANY Tweet Chat

Learning all the tools available in Social Media can be a challenge. I actually hired a tutor when I began my SoMe journey. It helped me get over my middle-aged resistance to learning new things. Now, I’m addicted to the pleasures, values, and camaraderie of Social Media. I’ve especially enjoyed participated in Tweet Chats, particularly the one I founded, #DadChat which is EVERY Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.

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Men vs. Women: Sex – Seven Differences in the Sack

Men vs. Women

Men vs. Women. So, you’re asking what took me so long to get to this topic for this ongoing series. My answer is simple. It’s too easy. Men and women are different. Yes, I repeat that in every column in this series, but it bears repeating. Perhaps there’s no more stark a difference than in how we approach sexuality and how we practice/act upon our sexual needs and urges.

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One-Half Billion, as in “B,” Impressions at #DadChat

#DadChat is going on two years old and I estimate that we garnered over 500,000,000 “impressions” in 2012. That estimate is likely lower than the reality since #DadChat has become more than a once-a-week hourly get together. Our hashtag is synonymous with parents and added to parent-centric tweets all the time, plus the community is always interacting. It’s a beautiful thing. NOTE: I just did an actual count, using each week’s transcript numbers from Hashtracking.com and the actual number for all of 2012 is 682,000,000 .

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