While I write many blogs and other types of content throughout the week, the Weekly Column is my weekly feature topic, which will also be the basis of my weekly radio show and #dadchat. Posted on Sunday night or Monday morning, they are a great way to start off your week with something to think about, as well as something to talk about.

Weekly Columns are available for syndication in your publication. Contact Us for more information!

Our Family Christmas Tradition

Every family has their own Christmas tradition. Making this sing-a-long became a signature moment for The Sallan Boys way back when they were still young and sort of cooperative! This is over a decade old but sings to me with memories as if it were yesterday. We sang to the great Drifters Fifties version of White Christmas.  I had a sore throat, but we still had a bunch of fun doing it!  We all still enjoy listening to it a lot. These are the memories you keep forever! Enjoy, laugh, and sing-a-long with us!

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Men vs. Women: #Christmas Shopping


Our fifth in this ongoing series could really be a one-sentence column: Women like to shop; Men don’t. Okay, I’ll elaborate a bit more, though that really sums it up. Add Christmas into the mix and we can simply say, men would rather be drinking eggnog or anything but shopping during the madness of the Holiday Season.

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The Evolution of Technology: The Television Movie aka Movies-of-the-Week

By Professor David E. Weber and Bruce Sallan

The Evolution of Technology series continues with a detour to a form of television that is largely extinct: The Television Movie. Also known as Movies-of-the-Week, they were once a staple of the major networks’ schedules back in the days before Fox, Cable, and even VCRs, let alone DVRs. It was also the focus of my first career for a quarter century. Look me up on IMDB or Wikipedia to learn of my sordid past in showbiz!

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One Overwhelming Week of #Stress


We all live busy lives. There’s a saying that goes something like, “If you want something to get done, give it to a busy person.” That may be true, but please don’t give it to me. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed these days. It’s really a good overwhelmed but my doctor insists the body reacts the same to good or bad stress. How we monitor and manage our stresses is so important but I’m not going to offer those suggestions.

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Essentials on #SEO, #Communication, Social Media, #Technology, Money, and More


Between our The Evolution of Technology blog series and my other weekend technology columns, I’ve found that writing about technology and Social Media is not only fun but I bring, just as I do with my parenting writing, a unique point-of-view. How? Because: I’m NO EXPERT. I use and experience technology as a layman, but express it as a writer. My parenting “expertise” is exactly the same.

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A Debate about #Journalism

By Professor Kenna Griffin* and Bruce Sallan

Bruce Sallan: One of the many joys of Social Media is the incredible people we meet. Many of these “virtual” friends as I like to call them, eventually become IRL (In Real Life) friends and many stay “virtual,” as has my friendship with Professor Griffin. We’ve gotten to “know” one another via Twitter and our regular participation in certain Tweet Chats.

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Men vs. Women: How We Choose Our Partners


Our Men vs Women blog series continues with a biggee: How we choose our partners. I sincerely believe this is yet another instance where our differences show up big-time and reflect our inherently diverse sensibilities. I will also declare up front my bottom-line conclusion that women are smarter – for the most part – in this area.

Read the first two in this series:

Men vs. Women: Differences Between Men and Women’s Money Management Skills

Men vs. Women: Differences Between Our Communication Skills

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