With male and female roles changing so significantly in recent years, I’m wondering how much this may have affected our egos? Do you compete with your spouse or significant other? Yes, we all likely say we wish nothing but the best for our partners, but deep inside do we feel envy sometimes? I think this is one of those semi-taboo topics that aren’t aired much, which means, of course, I’m going to wade right into it.
Category Archives: Weekly Columns
While I write many blogs and other types of content throughout the week, the Weekly Column is my weekly feature topic, which will also be the basis of my weekly radio show and #dadchat. Posted on Sunday night or Monday morning, they are a great way to start off your week with something to think about, as well as something to talk about.
Weekly Columns are available for syndication in your publication. Contact Us for more information!
Are YOU Afraid of Your Wife?
How many men do you think are afraid of their wives? If “afraid” is too strong a word, how many men believe they must walk on eggshells in their wife’s presence? What marriages do you know – well – that are successful and appear happy? I chose the word “appear” because no one really knows what is going on inside another’s home and life, so all we can make is educated guesses based on how well we know people.
What’s on YOUR Mind?
Needless to say, my title is a shameless pitch for comments but, of course, I’m going to share what’s on my mind first. You’re welcome to add anything on yours, please. It’s now two weeks since The Boston Explosion aka The Boston Bombings and I think we’re getting over the initial shock. I am still reeling from the details that my son shared about what happened to him that morning, which I’ll share in a moment.
Tips for Parents on How to Talk to Your Kids about The Boston Explosion
Tips from Dr. Jennifer Weberman, Commentary by Bruce
The Boston Explosion aka The Boston Bombings have had a large impact on all of us. Such a senseless act of terror often raises difficult questions for parents and children. How can such evil exist? Where does it come from? Are we safe? What’s next? The list of questions is endless and for many of them, there is no simple answer, anymore than there is a simple answer to questions of faith. However, as parents, we must be able to comfort our children in these times of unfathomable suffering and unthinkable acts of evil.
Two Common Questions on Death and Divorce that Need to GO!
When I was young, my mother would often take offense when someone would ask her, upon seeing me with my mom, “is he your only one?” She was always polite but given that she’d lost two other children, it was one of those questions that hurt, though the person asking had no idea. Simple questions about death, divorce, and our family make-up may seem innocent, but are they really?
Why Our Kids Should Go For It
Yes, we should encourage our kids to Go For It. Of course I don’t mean foolish or dangerous things, but those that will help them succeed in life. In our contemporary world, it’s the risk-takers who will succeed. Too many kids feel entitled, have been pampered or helicoptered, and the idea of taking a chance and going for it is completely foreign to them. Thomas Edison is a perfect example of a man who didn’t allow failures to deter his determination.
Why is Everyone SO Darn Busy and Tired?
I continue to marvel at how busy everyone seems to be these days. Wasn’t all this new technology supposed to make our lives easier? Do any of you feel life is easier today? Or, are you busy and tired ALL the time? My wife has two favorite words – “I’m so tired.” So, I can’t count. Why is she so tired? Why is she so busy? Why are we all so (apparently) busy? Is this a new way of life or do we have some choice in it?
Social Media Social Good: Why Can’t @Dish and the Others Work Like a Toaster?
I remember an article on tech from a decade ago that was titled, “Why Can’t it Work Like a Refrigerator,” or something to that effect. The gist of the column was how difficult getting a new computer up and running was…a PC in that case. The writer wished he could simply plug it in, like his refrigerator, and have it work. With Social Media today and all the new technology, this problem has only gotten worse. Add little-to-no decent Customer Service to the mix and we’re living a sort of tech-hell.