The Twitter Party began as a great new marketing tool in Social Media. It’s morphed into an infomercial. Whereas companies seek to actually engage with customers, the Twitter Party is pretty much about swag. It’s about getting something for nothing. It’s NOT about a topic that has general interest that is related to the sponsoring company/brand. But, a Tweet Chat sponsorship is all that and more. And, #DadChat offers the best demographics available on Twitter.
Tag Archives: advertising
I’m sure you’ve all seen the P&G (Procter & Gamble) commercials in the Winter Olympics on NBC. “Proud Sponsor of Moms” with all these touching stories from Olympians telling how their moms were so wonderful and supportive. How lovely. I’m sure their dads had nothing to do with their support and those images of dads cheering at the Olympics are just a rare exception.
How Much is Two Billion?
In mid-2013, #DadChat surpassed one billion impressions. I wrote How Much is One Billion at the time so all the amazing facts about numbers are in that column. This time, I simply want to crow a bit about how the entire year turned out for #DadChat AND, what I believe to be the potential and pitfalls for Tweet Chats in the future.
First, the statistics for 2013:
Contributors: 7,956
Tweets: 77,113
Reach: 69.61 million
Impressions 1,883,330,000
The #Halloween Show – Commercials and Lies
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Featured guests:
Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”
Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”
Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, Commercials, Ads, and Lies, but we’ll be talking about lotsa other stuff, too, including cars, addiction, divorce, and money!