How #Millennials (#Dads and #Moms) Are Changing EVERYTHING with Special Guest Brian Fanzo at #DadChat Thursday

Millennials Infographic

Millennials. MILLENNIALS. Jokes and more surround them. It used to be the Baby Boomers and “my” generation still wants to think it’s all about them. But, WE gotta face reality as we are getting older – the boomers – in spite of botox and face-lifts! This Thursday, September 3 at 6:00 p.m. PT/7:00 p.m. MT/9:00 p.m. ET we will be discussing the IMPACT of Millennials with special guest, Brian Fanzo.

This week’s #DadChat transcript and stats

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Baby Boomers Get Old, Too!


I was born in the fifties so I guess that qualifies me as part of the Baby Boomer generation. I’d rather not be part of what I consider as the most destructive modern-era generation of self-involved human beings the planet has ever seen. But, I had no choice as to when I was born. I’m fond of saying that the ONLY good thing to come out of the sixties was some decent rock ‘n’ roll and, sadly, I stand by that statement. Okay, the Civil Rights movement was a good thing, too.

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I Feel Old, Part One

Getting old comic

Yes, we’ve all heard the phrase “you’re only as old as you feel.” And, I tend to agree with it. I am living life to the fullest in my memory. Nonetheless, there are things that make me “feel” old, emotionally. There are so many contemporary examples that I feel compelled to make a list. Heck, we all like lists. And, as it’s turned out, I can’t even complete the list in one column!

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Are You Keeping Up with Technology and Social Media Changes?


I have a confession. When I buy a new tech device, something simple like a digital camera or a digital photo frame, I get all excited at the cashier as I’m buying it. First, because I always buy on sale and am happy at the good deal. Second, because I think I need whatever it is. I look at the box and I get tingles. I then sit it on the seat next to me and gaze lovingly at it when waiting at red lights. On getting home, I cradle it in my arms and take it to my office where I gently place it on my desk.

Where it sits.

And sits.

And sits.

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The Evolution of Technology: Television Back in the Day


We continue our nostalgic look at technology and baby boomer memories, looking at television when there were just three networks, no video, no home theatres, no dvrs, no cable, no satellite, Variety shows ruled, and families actually sat together, watching The Ed Sullivan Show and Milton Berle, among so many other classics. Professor David E. Weber leads off.

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Boomers Are People Too

I did a video interview for Bill Vick ( who is a terrific guy and more so for allowing me to ramble on and on and then edit the video without showing himself once!  At least he could’ve cut away and showed his handsome self when I was picking my nose!  Seriously, he promotes helping boomers to help themselves, instead of falling into the trap of looking back at their “Glory Days” to quote another B.S. (my initials), Bruce Springsteen.  Following is the whole unedited, unadulterated, unfiltered, rambling me:

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