I did a video interview for Bill Vick (BoomersNextStep.com) who is a terrific guy and more so for allowing me to ramble on and on and then edit the video without showing himself once! At least he could’ve cut away and showed his handsome self when I was picking my nose! Seriously, he promotes helping boomers to help themselves, instead of falling into the trap of looking back at their “Glory Days” to quote another B.S. (my initials), Bruce Springsteen. Following is the whole unedited, unadulterated, unfiltered, rambling me:
Tag Archives: BoomerTechTalk
BoomerTechTalk – Answering Your Tech Fears!
For some of us, “of a certain age/generation,” every new tech thing is yet another time we can get flummoxed and frustrated. How often have you opened that new tech device, camera, digital picture frame, or new “smart” phone, and felt anything but “smart?” I sometimes put the “thing” aside, stare at it a few days, and then finally get the courage to open it up.
What often follows, more often that I’d like to admit, is something doesn’t work right. Even learning the so-called simple things, like attaching and sending a photo via e-mail can sometimes be confusing. My favorite is when the only help you can get is online, but you can’t get online because of some connection problem. Or better, when you take their suggestion to call them for help before you return the darn thing.
My Word Is My Bond
Do you remember the old phrases: He is as good as his word, or My word is my bond, or A handshake is all I need (in the way of a deal)? Do you remember when we didn’t think lawyers were the first people we had to call before we made a deal? Do you remember when a contract was just a page or two? Do you remember when your friends returned your phone calls promptly and a RSVP meant something?
What happened? What happened to someone following through on a commitment of “Yes” or “I’ll get back to you?” or “I’ll be there.” I fear our children will have fewer of these kinds of business or personal encounters. The irony is that we have much faster and easier methods of communication yet all it seems to have done is to make life more complicated and less trustworthy.