How to Buy a Car with Your Son

Buying a new car

I took my son car shopping recently and it was truly a fun and illuminating experience – for both of us! Actually, the title of this column is slightly wrong since we were lease shopping though, for all practicality, it is was the same thing since the lessons learned are similar and even a bit more layered when a lease is involved.

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Lessons Learned When My Computer was Stolen

Stolen computer

We have been trying to sell our home and at a recent Open House, when I was not at the house, my laptop was stolen from my desk. According to our realtor, it was a “quiet” Open House so my first reaction was to be angry with her since how could anyone leave carrying my laptop if she were paying attention? Upon remembering that my realtor is my wife, I quickly changed my tune.

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When I Was Your Age – It was MUCH Easier

When I was your age

How  extraordinary that these oh-so-familiar words – “When I was your age” – now have a completely opposite meaning! There was a time when parents often exhorted these words to induce guilt, motivation, and/or reason in their children to excel. Today’s generation of parents is the first perhaps in history that can’t realistically expect – across the entire generation – that their children will do better than they themselves did. That is a powerful statement, but I believe it to be true to the core of my being!

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Robbie Remmes in the Holy Bowly at Park City

On the last day of the season at Park City, I met a very cool skier and nice guy, Robbie Remmes. They had just held this crazy event called the Holy Bowly in both the half-pipe and this skate-park like snow area and we went in it. Well, he went in it and I video’d. Also watched Robbie get some air off one of the jumps higher up in the park and do some tricks on some obstacles. All-in-all, way cool!