The College Scam Hurts Us ALL

Human nature is such that when something doesn’t directly affect you, it’s easy to not pay attention. Such has been the case for this dad regarding the escalating costs of college, the incredible competition to get in, and all the bizarre and increasingly complex options to try and pay for it all. Maybe it’s a scam on us parents? Maybe it’s another bubble about to burst as some say about the over 1 trillion in student debt? All I know is we are paying a ridiculous fortune to send our first-born to a private college in Boston.

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Because I Said So Graduation

It’s that time of season where our kids are celebrating graduation…from elementary school on to college. “Dad” did not use the amazing Jodi Okun (College Financial Aid Advisors) for advice on how to prepare, best practices for applying, and the smartest and diverse ways in which parents and potential students can get scholarships and/or financial aid. That is why “Dad” is sobbing.

Syndication rights to the Because I Said So comic strips are now available. Contact me for more information on carrying this truly NEW comic strip!

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