When I began doing Social Media one of the first things I was told was that for every tweet sent about myself, I should send ten about (and supporting) others. I liked that philosophy. That is why I write this Social Media Social Good series because I believe we have such a GREAT opportunity to do good via Social Media. And, it’s so democratic. Anyone can do good if they set their mind and heart to it! How sweet it is. Hmmm, that would make a good song title?
Tag Archives: #DadChat
Dad Grows a Beard
Adopt or Buy (a Pet)?
This week’s Moral Question of the Week is simple: should you adopt or buy a dog/cat/pet? I will prejudice the question with my point-of-view that there are FAR too many dogs and cats in shelters and FAR too many dogs and cats that are killed each year for anyone to go out and buy a “special” kind of dog or cat? What do you think? Comment below…
What does #Fitness Look Like?
I attended what is perhaps the biggest fitness and nutrition convention around. People from ALL over the country attended. I was surprised by only one thing – how UN-fit so many of the people appeared. Granted “fitness” isn’t just about looking like a bikini model but – PEOPLE – being seriously over-weight is not nutritious or fitness. This seemed to be more apparent among the women attendees who outnumbered the men by about 3 to 1 in my unscientific judgment. I wrote more about this in a lengthier piece but here’s the short video I made at the convention – just for fun.
#Food, #Allergies, and #Eczema at #DadChat with Mei
Do your kids suffer from itching? Lack of sleep? We all know how much food can affect our well-being. Many of us suffer from allergies that are food-related or from other sources. These chronic problems are especially difficult for our children who often are too young to understand the pain and discomforts they feel. For parents, NOTHING is worse than seeing your child in pain (or discomfort). Thursday September 18 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET we will discuss this issue with co-host Marcie Mom aka Mei, our favorite #DadChat regular, from Singapore.
Men vs. Women: Looks #Sex
Dad Gives — #Taxes #Humor
Do As I Say – Not As I Do! #MoralQuestionOfTheWeek
Are you a parental hypocrite? Do you tell your kids the dangers of smoking or drinking, while holding a cigarette and beer? How about something less obvious – do you NOT wear a helmet when you ski or ride a bike while demanding that your kids wear one? I see this ALL the time when I ski and it makes me nuts! Very simply, are YOU a parental hypocrite? Own it if you are and work to change it. Remember that your kids SEE everything you do.