This is the second video shot with my new GoPro HERO3+ – it’s a ski video of The Shadow. Music is by Arnie Sallan.
Tag Archives: #DadChat
Top of the World #Skiing
This is my first skiing video with my new GoPro HERO3+ shot at Park City on March 12, 2014. It’s a trip up McConkey’s lift to the top of the mountain and then the ride down from the bowl at the top to the bumps under the chair to the corduroy at the bottom. What I mean by “real time” is that none of the video is sped up (to be clear when you see the text in the video).
#Skiing the Canis Lupus – Awesomeness
No words needed…
What Kind of Parent are YOU – Take the Test and Own It! #DadChat
Perhaps the most egregious example of being a LOUSY parent is the “dude” above who not only doesn’t “parent” his son, but enables his crazy behavior. What kind of parent ARE YOU? Are you your kid’s best friend or their best parent? I often write about this topic as it is a favorite subject of mine. It’s MUCH easier being their buddy than being their best parent — but the latter is WHAT THEY NEED! Join us Thursday, March 13 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET as we tackle this subject!
Another Look at the Best Friend or Best Parent Idea
One of my favorite sayings about being a parent is that you must be your kid’s best parent, not their best friend. Far too many parents are concerned about being their kid’s buddy, being liked by their kids, and by their friends. Sure, it’s cool to be in the good graces of our children, but that is NOT our job. Our job is to educate, raise, and equip our children to live good and productive lives. Our job is not to be their entertainment director and master of good times.
Double Standard
Work-Life Balance + Sexpert Tyomi #DadChat
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Featured guests:
Glamazon Tyomi – for talk about sex and our kids.
Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”
Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s #DadChat topic: Work/Family Balance.
A Police State in Zanzibar? – #Travel
Traveling in 3rd World countries CAN be scary as this little incident portrays. I kept my camera out of sight for good reasons, but imagine what was going on and imagine if this is the “state” you lived in every day?