Embarrassing Your Kids

Funny photo of polar bear

Most parents know that there’s one thing they can do that will embarrass their kids the most. ANYTHING. Simply being dad or mom is embarrassing to our kids. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we’ll stop trying to change our own behavior. It’s impossible because whatever we do, however we change, it’s going to embarrass our kids. To a degree, that’s our job. Maybe they’ll become independent that much quicker simply to get away from our embarrassing actions. read more

Accountability and Goals at #DadChat


What does this comic strip have to do with this week’s #DadChat? Nothing, but it’s funny!

Every New Year people make resolutions and every subsequent year they tend to renew the same ones. We are NOT going to do that at our first #DadChat of the New Year on Thursday, January 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. PT. Nope, we’re going to simply – funny choice of word – chat about Goals and Accountability. As much as it would seem ripe to make this discussion about D.C. and their total lack of accountability, we’re going to stay closer to home – our families and ourselves!

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Favorite Christmas Memories and Re-Gifting at #DadChat

It’s the day after Christmas and all is quiet in the house. Well, the house is actually quite a mess. Pieces of wrapping and tinsel are everywhere. Leftover turkey and pumpkin pie are being eaten by the dog. The record player – anyone remember what those are – is skipping and playing The Christmas Song over and over again by Nat King Cole. It’s gently snowing outside…and it’s time for #DadChat on this Thursday, December 26 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.

Let’s talk about our favorite Christmas memories – new and old. And, let’s talk about how re-gifting can be a beautiful way to help others!

Bruce is still lost in Africa somewhere. He hopes to join the fun, but who knows if the pirates that kidnapped him will let him use his laptop! In his absence Edna Myers is hosting this evening.

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Pride Was My Downfall

Pride t-shirt

There are a lot of “P’s” that help in life, but Pride is NOT one of them. I often extol the virtues of passion, persistence, and pharmaceuticals (just kidding), but pride is one of those things than usually gets in the way of our success.

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