Attending a recent high school concert opened my eyes to an issue (aka problem?), which my wife, another couple that attended, and I discussed at length, later. Will Political Correctness, the Self-Esteem Movement, and Diversity damage our kids and their futures?
Tag Archives: #DadChat
Dad Cleans #Humor #DadChat
Has #SocialMedia Let You Down?
I’ve gone from literally a 24/7 presence in Social Media to a semi-shutdown and withdrawal. Perhaps it wasn’t as hard as those people that go cold turkey with smoking cigarettes (I never smoked) but it was still a shock to the system. It also wasn’t an immediate “shutdown” though it accelerated pretty quickly. The reasons are significant, paramount, and revelatory – a nice run of adjectives, don’t you think? Are those adjectives? I never was particularly good at grammar. Auto-correct occasionally saves me from myself.