The Empty-Nest Syndrome. We all hear about it but when our kids are young we believe it’s so far away. Trust me, it happens in the blink-of-an-eye. We are a few months away from our second son leaving for college. Are you prepared for the empty-nest? Will your kids even be able to leave home? More kids are returning home – after college – to live than ANY time in our history – I believe it’s over 80% for extended periods of time! This Thursday, March 26 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET we will TAKE on the Empty-Nest for those in the throes of it and those that will face it – hopefully!
Tag Archives: #DadChat
Feet in Mahe in The Maldives #Travel #DadChat
Dad, What Did You Tweet? #DadChat
Dumb Dung Beetle #Africa #DadChat
Africa is a miracle from the biggest animals in the world to the smallest dung beetle. They all have their genetic habits and miracles. Watch how the dung beetle builds its home and how “she” goes along for the ride!
Stress #Stress Stress #DadChat
The big problem of our contemporary world seems to be stress. Yes, of course there are bigger “Macro” problems, but in my life most everyone I know seems overwhelmed and drops the “S” word regularly. Wasn’t technology supposed to alleviate stress? Why has this happened? In my usual fashion, I have meticulously researched this subject and here forth my conclusions.