How Much is Two Billion?

Numbers comparison - the size of one billion dollars

In mid-2013, #DadChat surpassed one billion impressions. I wrote How Much is One Billion at the time so all the amazing facts about numbers are in that column. This time, I simply want to crow a bit about how the entire year turned out for #DadChat AND, what I believe to be the potential and pitfalls for Tweet Chats in the future.

First, the statistics for 2013:

Contributors: 7,956
Tweets: 77,113
Reach: 69.61 million
Impressions 1,883,330,000

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Why I Comment ALL the Time


I participate in several Tweet Chats, among them #blogchat, which is all about blogging and, to a degree, Social Media. Learning SoMe, as it is often acronymized (new word?) is part of my job. There are all sorts of tips one will hear along the SoMe highway. One that is over-used in my opinion is “Content Is King.” Sure content matters, but that is sort of obvious. Another word that is over-used is “Engagement.” I still prefer using that when someone has a ring to show. My thing is commenting.

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