Dad, Technology Genius

Because I Said So comic strip technology genius

Again, I MUST remind you that I’m NOT That Dad (which is just the name of my weekly vlogs)! This comic script, however, was inspired by my younger son attending his prom. “Dad” tries to take a photo of his dashing-looking son thinking that he, “Dad,” is in fact a technology geniusl.

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Pet Quirks at #PetRap Sunday

Goofy dogs - pet quirks

Everyone who has pets has had those times when their pet does something that simply makes you giggle. Call it a quirk; call it personality; call it whatever! It’s one of the many joys of having pets in your life. Let’s get together this Sunday, June 9 at noon – 1:00 p.m. PT/3:00 – 4:00 p.m. ET and share some of those funny pet quirks.


Comic In-Laws are coming
The in-laws are coming, the in-laws ARE COMING! Ahh, the joys of visiting in-laws. Dad is NOT happy that his are coming, though Son seems extremely excited. I need ANOTHER reminder for everyone that I’m NOT That Dad. My in-laws just left after a week’s visit and I adore them and – honestly – was sad to see them leave.

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Generation Gap: Kids as a Second Language

Funny baby photo

How big is the generation gap, really?  What were the slang words of your generation? Mine included groovy and bitchin’ among many others. Every generation has its own slang, dress, general look, and of course, its own music. Every generation looks back at theirs as the best and I actually think this is a darn good thing. For young boys and girls, dressing differently than their parents, listening to different music, and generally speaking their own language is the first step on the road to independence.

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Happy Wife, Happy Life

Dad stands up to Wife comic happy wifeDad has had it and he’s standing up to his wife. Son overhears what is going on and is completely shocked – until the end when Dad reveals himself to be “Dad!” It’s true what they say – happy wife, happy life!

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