The Once-and-Still Married vs. The Divorced

Comedy - George Carlin

I was jogging around our nearby lake when I saw two women walking. As I passed them, I recognized one as a former friend of mine. Our eyes met but she quickly averted them. I realized who it was by the time I was way past them. It brought back many memories of what I call The Dark Days of (My) Divorce.

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Son Finds His Passion at Thrively

Son Finds His Passion at Thrively - BISS 142

I’m working with because I think it’s an awesome website and tool for parents and their kids. Unlock YOUR child’s potential! For now, you can register free and have your kid(s) take their free assessment test. I had my boys do it and was amazed at how good the results were. Do it now!

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#Twerking on Lemur Island

Another stop on our amazing trip to Africa and India was the Lemur Island – the land of the lemurs – where we were “entertained” by these kids – twerking has come everywhere!

#Food, #Sex, and the Kitchen


It’s often said that the biggest causes of divorce are sex, money, and “the kids.” I would argue that a bigger cause of dissention is food (and the kitchen). In continuing this blog series – and the pre-cursor to a book based on these columns – let’s tackle this divisive issue between men and women!

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Lessons Learned When My Computer was Stolen

Stolen computer

We have been trying to sell our home and at a recent Open House, when I was not at the house, my laptop was stolen from my desk. According to our realtor, it was a “quiet” Open House so my first reaction was to be angry with her since how could anyone leave carrying my laptop if she were paying attention? Upon remembering that my realtor is my wife, I quickly changed my tune.

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