How Social Media is Changing Our Lives at #DadChat

Who doesn’t believe that Social Media is changing our lives? What parent isn’t struggling to keep up with their children when it comes to texting, using a smart-phone, and pretty much anything tech? How many parents just let this side of their children’s lives go on without much supervision? This topic is bigger than simply our kids since we all know how it’s affecting our lives as well. We have special co-host Jure Klepic to lead this discussion on Thursday, April 4 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. E.T.

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#DadChat This Week: Do Our Kids Have Social Media Klout?

#DadChat this Thursday, February 26 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST will be about Social Media and our kids. Most of us that participate in TweetChats are Social Media friendly. Our kids are technologically up-to-speed but are they as active in Social Media as we are? Do they look at their Klout scores or even care. Thanks to this week’s co-host, Jure Klepic, I don’t care or pay much attention anymore to my Klout score. But, what does Social Media means to our kids? What do we as parents need to know or be aware regarding their online lives?

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