Driving Safety at #DadChat

Makeshift memorial at site of deadly traffic accident

This Thursday November 21, from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET, we are discussing Driving Safety. For the first time we have a teenager who will be the co-host. Brett Jonas aka @BookSquirt has been a regular participant at #DadChat for several months. After her family had a very stunning experience with a car accident, saving lives from a fiery crash, she felt motivated to take on this important discussion.

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Rescue Me: Over-Protective, Helicopter Parents

Helicopter Mom

In this era of Helicopter Parents and more government entitlements and “babysitting,” it’s no wonder our children aka young adults, are less and less able to take care of themselves. Pampered, spoiled, entitled, dependent, are some of the words that come to mind when I think about older teens and young people in college and recent graduates. Why is this the case? Like most social issues, it isn’t black or white, but a combination of factors, which I’ll try to illuminate from this dad’s point of view.

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Bruce’s Birthday #DadChat and #ParentChoice

Aaron Sallan having a party

                                            My second son at 13 months!

It’s yours truly’s birthday November 8 but we’re going to start the party early with Parent Choice at #DadChat Thursday, November 7 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. That means we all talk about whatever is on our minds!

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Failure is Your Greatest Teacher

Steve Jobs quote about death, failure, and success

No one likes to lose but the irony is that losing is often better for us. I love Bruce Springsteen’s music (hate his politics) and I think he covered this idea so well in “Glory Days” where he sings about the high school baseball star who reflects on those days in high school where he probably “peaked,” along with the cute cheerleader who is now divorced and taking care of her kids, alone.

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