Are Your Feelings Your Moral Guide? #DadChat

We live in a world that seems to be governed by “feelings.” The classic therapy question is, “How do you feel (about that)?” Well, SHOULD our feelings be our guide in life and decisions? THAT is this week’s Moral Question of the Week. Add your thoughts in the comment section, below…

#School, #Curriculum, #Kids, and How WE #Parents Fit at #DadChat

School Today

When I went to primary school way back in the B&W days of no remote control and transistor radios and rotary phones, my parents had little to do or worry about when I headed out the door. In fact, they had little to worry about after school as well because I rode my bike wherever I wanted as long as I got home before dark. Mom made sure I carried a dime “just in case” I needed to call home. It’s slightly different now!

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Starting a New Life

We all think or speak about wanting to “Start over” with dreams of what we might do differently if we could. Whenever I declare such a thing, I am clear that I’d like to start over with the knowledge I’ve learned living as long as I have. Sort of an oxymoron, I suppose.

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Do You Believe (in The Serenity Prayer)?

The Serenity Prayer as a tattoo

Anyone who has a family member or friend in AA has heard of The Serenity Prayer. You don’t have to be part of AA to either agree with it (or not). It says, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This week’s Moral Question is: Do you believe (in it)? Or do you believe we have more control than the prayer implies?

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#Kids and #Careers at #DadChat Thursday – PLUS #Giveaways

Kids and Careers

Did you know that a recent poll found that the majority of parents feared their kids would not do as well as they had? That is an amazing thing! And, I believe a FIRST in modern American history. What are our kid’s best career options? Should EVERY kid go to college?  What affect will student loan debt have on our children? Is “trade” school a better option for some? What careers are offering great opportunities and which are declining? Let’s discuss this and more with an EXPERT – Mark S. Babbitt – in this field Thursday, October 9 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. Mark is generously giving away TWO copies of his book, co-written with Ted Coine, A World Gone Social.

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My Surgery

Surgery cartoon

I recently underwent some minor surgery for a small hernia. I haven’t been “under” since I had rotator cuff surgery a decade or so ago. That was a horrendous experience on a number of levels. Yet, as I approached this next time going “under” I was not particularly anxious. Part of my calmness was confidence in the doctor who was going to perform the operation. Part of it was a resignation that this is what comes with “maturity” or simply getting older. Part of it was the wine…just kidding.

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