Losing Your Child During #Divorce at #DadChat

Parents fighting in front of child

Divorce sucks. Anyone that has gone through a divorce knows this is true. I’ve heard fairy tales of “nice” divorces but I’ve never known of one, ESPECIALLY where kids are involved. I call Family Courts – ANTI-FAMILY COURTS and I call so-called family lawyers – ANTI-FAMILY LAWYERS and sometimes names inappropriate for a family-oriented website. But, NOTHING is worse than when the court, the lawyers, or the warring spouses do EXACTLY what they all know is EXACTLY the wrong thing to do and put the children in the middle.

This Thursday, June 5 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET we are going to TAKE ON this tough issue with a man who has lived it, Marc Clark and his associate Alana Seal. We will be giving away TWO COPIES of Marc’s best-selling book, The Princess Fables, at this week’s #DadChat.

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My Fear and Loathing of Getting Old

Thong comic

Getting old is something most of us will face and most of us would choose to face. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some fears along the way and I have many that date back to my childhood. In my lifetime, the whole idea of getting old has been somewhat re-defined by my generation – the baby boomers. Now, sixty is the new fifty, and seventy is the new sixty, and so on. Like most things we boomers do, it’s foolish and, in this case, just a form of denial.

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