Accountability and Goals at #DadChat


What does this comic strip have to do with this week’s #DadChat? Nothing, but it’s funny!

Every New Year people make resolutions and every subsequent year they tend to renew the same ones. We are NOT going to do that at our first #DadChat of the New Year on Thursday, January 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. PT. Nope, we’re going to simply – funny choice of word – chat about Goals and Accountability. As much as it would seem ripe to make this discussion about D.C. and their total lack of accountability, we’re going to stay closer to home – our families and ourselves!

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Pride Was My Downfall

Pride t-shirt

There are a lot of “P’s” that help in life, but Pride is NOT one of them. I often extol the virtues of passion, persistence, and pharmaceuticals (just kidding), but pride is one of those things than usually gets in the way of our success.

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Men vs. Women – Cleaning

Men and Cleaning

Perhaps one of the most enjoyable aspects of doing this series of columns is ruffling feathers and reflecting – often with humor – on my own life and wife. Since my wife rarely reads my columns, I can write whatever I want with relative impunity. Of course, I’m ALWAYS writing the exact truth. It’s never slanted or biased from my male point-of-view. I’m the objective journalist with this series.

I also have swampland for sale if you’re interested?

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Bruce’s Birthday #DadChat and #ParentChoice

Aaron Sallan having a party

                                            My second son at 13 months!

It’s yours truly’s birthday November 8 but we’re going to start the party early with Parent Choice at #DadChat Thursday, November 7 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET. That means we all talk about whatever is on our minds!

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