Money and Allowance at #DadChat

Funny parenting comic

Money is a problem. For most all of us. But, teaching our kids about money is an extreme challenge today for a variety for a variety of reasons. The sense of entitlement pervades our society! Well, this Thursday September, 5 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET we are going to talk money, allowance, and teaching our kids the value of a buck! We are pleased to have Pam Whitlock of to join us and share her expertise! This is NOT to be missed!

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Radio Show: What if JFK Lived?

Surrounded by Enemies book cover

Click on the book cover to go to Amazon and read more about the book or to purchase it.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Featured guests:

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Bryce Zabel – author of Surrounded by Enemies.

Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, I’m Really NOT Twenty Anymore: Attending the Outside Lands Music Festival. We will also talk with Bryce Zabel about his new book, “Surrounded by Enemies” – a book about what-if JFK had lived.

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I’m Really NOT Twenty Anymore: Attending The Outside Lands Music Festival

Outside Lands

Every parent wants to be the “cool” parent – that dad or mom that all the other kids love and want to hang out with. I’m that dad: at least in my mind. The reality is I’m still my kids’ “Old Man” and the sooner I recognize that the better. This experience was driven home recently when I went with my boys, and my son’s girlfriend, to The Outside Music Festival in San Francisco.

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College, Country Music & Time

Thursday, August 22, 2013 

Featured guests:

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Professor David E. Weber (My Evolution of Technology co-writer) on the State of College TODAY!

Jessica Northey – Diva-Extraordinaire, Social Media expert, and Mom of “Sissy.”

Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, Stop! Time is Going by tooooooo Fast!. We will also talk about so much – college, country music, and time – since we have a cool unusual line-up of guests!

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Cell-Phone Value Does Exist – Smart Phones, Mobile, and Our Families at #DadChat

Value at Walmart Family Mobile

Okay, who HASN’T opened their smart phone bill and flipped! Why can’t cell-phone plans offer value AND service? #DadChat on Thursday, August 22 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET will discuss this fiscal and practical issue ALL families face. Plus, we have a solution with our sponsor, Walmart Family Mobile. Plus, we’re giving away TWO $100 Walmart gift cards! This is truly what I call a NO-LOSE – aka Win-WIN night! Not to be missed! Be sure to use #FamilyMobileSaves when competing for the two prizes! ONLY those answer tweets with both #DadChat and #FamilyMobileSaves are eligible to win!

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Because I Said So Kickstarter TEASER!

Take a peek into the upcoming Kickstarter Campaign for the Because I Said So comic strip! It will soon reach its centennial, with 100 original comic strips written by Bruce Sallan and beautifully illustrated by Michael Voogd (VoogDesigns). YOU can participate in our production of a beautiful hard-cover coffee table book that includes all 100 comic strips, the evolution and history of the strip, and a step-by-step illustrated guide to the making of the comic strip. The prizes we will offer “Investors” are unique from personal inscriptions to your own caricature. At the higher levels, you can “earn” an appearance on the “A Dad’s Point-of-View” radio show and more. Stay tuned for the formal video and Kickstarter campaign!

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