Photos, Videos, Music Rights, and YouTube – Copyrights

Internet piracy comic - irony

There is always ongoing discussion about copyright issues. YouTube has become extremely aggressive in enforcing video and music usage lapses – or what they and various rights-holders consider lapses. We all know that piracy issues and so-called free web-sharing sites that began with Napster have hit the music industry very hard. The film industry has been fighting movie/vhs/dvd piracy and copyright issues for decades

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YouTube Rant about Bugs Bunny, Looney Tunes, at The Hollywood Bowl

I went to the LIVE Bugs Bunny – Looney Tunes – show at The Hollywood Bowl a couple of weeks ago, It was absolutely FANTASTIC. I made an initial video that had short clips of the event – hardly visible images of the cartoons, along with the LIVE classical (public domain) music played by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. I also included fun stories that the conductor told. Within minutes of posting that video, I got that ubiquitous YouTube “warning” (threat) about using third party music without permission. I’ve been “warned” before and certain so-called “privileges” have been taken away – no trial, no appeal – just a fiat from the Gods of YouTube.

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That Awkward Phase

Teen awkward cartoon

I’ve got two teenage boys. I’m watching their respective growth – physically and in asserting their growing independence – with both awe and concern. My older son has changed his “look” repeatedly all of his teen years, mostly with his hair length and color and cut, but lately he’s added tattoos to the mix. His younger brother has largely asserted his independence by acting independent and a bit defiant.

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Movie Trivia Contest #1

So, this is our first Movie Trivia Contest. I’ll be doing it on an irregular basis. I hope it’s fun for you. I love old movies so mostly we’ll focus on older, classic films. The first ten correct answers will win a PDF copy of either of my books – cover images are below. I’m asking for the Honor System and asking that you not use Google to find the answer. Beyond the correct answer, the ten winners will be determined by what interesting facts about this particular movie they share.

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The Evolution of Technology: MTV

MTV logo

It’s time to continue our Evolution of Technology series, this time remembering MTV. As usual, I co-write these columns with Professor David E. Weber. I can’t believe I’m even putting “MTV” and “Remembering” in the same sentence, but it’s now been long enough that MTV is part of our nostalgia plus the changes in MTV have been significant in addition to its impact on our culture and entertainment.

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