Men vs. Women: Work-Life Balance

 Scrabble work life balance

Continuing with this series of columns, let’s examine the ongoing and increasingly big struggle we all face when trying to balance our lives, ubiquitously now known as work-life balance. Work is now a 24/7 option. I suppose “Life” is, too. But, work has intruded in our lives in ways never before imagined. The life of the advertising guys in “Mad Men” ended, to a degree, at the end of their proscribed workday or depending on how drunk they were on any given occasion. The end of our work-lives today is completely random. And, I’ll assert that men and women approach this work-life balancing act in different ways.

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How Much is One Billion: 1,000,000,000?

What is one billion?

#DadChat recently surpassed one billion impressions for the first few months of 2013 – an impressive number, but so what? Numbers and statistics are bandied about by just about everyone. It starts with our age. When we’re little kids we tell our age in fractions – heck, mom and dad say “Little Sally” is 7 1/2 months old, if asked. Once our kids are old enough to say their age, it’s usually with fingers and a fraction AND often with “I’m going to be FOUR!” Once you’re my age, you stick with your current age until the DAY of your next birthday. But, how much is one billion? How much is one trillion? And, what do numbers like these mean in Social Media?

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Generation Gap: Kids as a Second Language

Funny baby photo

How big is the generation gap, really?  What were the slang words of your generation? Mine included groovy and bitchin’ among many others. Every generation has its own slang, dress, general look, and of course, its own music. Every generation looks back at theirs as the best and I actually think this is a darn good thing. For young boys and girls, dressing differently than their parents, listening to different music, and generally speaking their own language is the first step on the road to independence.

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Competition and Scandal

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Featured guests:

Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”

Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, Do You Compete with Your Spouse or Significant Other? But, we may also touch on the competition and scandal in D.C. How can we not?

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Preserving Digital Memories at #DadChat – Video

iPhone mobile video app

Just click on the image above to download the Ptch iPhone app – FREE

After last week’s wild ride and scavenger hunt about photos, we’re turning to video – specifically mobile, but really all video – this Thursday, May 16th from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET, at #DadChat. There’s a FAB new app from Ptch – and it’s FREE for your iPhone! Download and play with it before #DadChat, during, or after. Our topic is how we preserve, capture, edit, and otherwise do our family’s digital memories. Our wonderful co-host is none other than TheGoToMom herself Kimberley Clayton Blaine! Follow Kimberley @TheGoToMom for the chat. Check out Kimberley’s awesome ptch page! Read what Fast Company has to say about Ptch! But, it wouldn’t be #DadChat – of late – if we didn’t have some prizes – which, of course, you will have to earn! Read on about Ptch and our prizes for this week’s #DadChat!

Retweet if you wish:

#Prizes, Fun, #Community at #DadChat when we look at #Video Thursday 6pmPT/9pmET

How do you use #Video? Win #Prizes, get a great new #FREE app, and more at #DadChat Thursday!


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Are YOU Afraid of Your Wife?

Wife going after husband

How many men do you think are afraid of their wives? If “afraid” is too strong a word, how many men believe they must walk on eggshells in their wife’s presence? What marriages do you know – well – that are successful and appear happy? I chose the word “appear” because no one really knows what is going on inside another’s home and life, so all we can make is educated guesses based on how well we know people.

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