Free Condoms, Free Birth Control – No Parents Needed

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Featured guests:

Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”

Today’s show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, What’s On YOUR Mind so it will cover whatever we all feel like expressing! We’ll get you started with free condoms and free birth control – who needs parents?


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Men vs. Women: Sexism, Perception, and Reality

Cartoon about sexism

I love writing this blog series. Why? Because I get to poke holes in the conventional, contemporary politically correct stereotypes. And, I sincerely believe that the differences between men and women are genuine and trying to conflate them to fit some academic model of humanity simply denies our humanity. And, for those that know me, I like to provoke…discussion. I’m still waiting for some ardent feminists or Women’s Studies students or professors to weigh in with their comments. So, shall we take on Sexism? Yeah, let’s go for it and I’m going to reveal an embarrassing story along the way!

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Dealing with Rejection at #DadChat

Little kid facing rejection

Who hasn’t dealt with rejection in their lives? What parent hasn’t had to console a child over a variety of rejections, whether from a sports team, an audition, or the more common cliques and first-love dramas? BUT, isn’t rejection and its corollary – failure – really an opportunity to grow and learn? Don’t we usually get more from failure than success IF we have the right context in hand? Special co-host Susan Campbell Cross will take on this sometimes painful issue this Thursday, March 21 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.

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Men vs. Women: Differences in Managing Stress

Stress cartoon by Randy Glasbergen

Managing stress is one of our biggest challenges in life. There will be stress: that’s a given. There will be tough times: that’s a given. And, there will be good times, too. But most every circumstance will lead to a changed one, whether good or bad. Men and women approach most things in gender-specific fashion as I’ve detailed in this ongoing blog series. Stress is no exception.

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Social Media Social Good: Why Can’t @Dish and the Others Work Like a Toaster?

No Internet access comic - social media social good

I remember an article on tech from a decade ago that was titled, “Why Can’t it Work Like a Refrigerator,” or something to that effect. The gist of the column was how difficult getting a new computer up and running was…a PC in that case. The writer wished he could simply plug it in, like his refrigerator, and have it work. With Social Media today and all the new technology, this problem has only gotten worse. Add little-to-no decent Customer Service to the mix and we’re living a sort of tech-hell.

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Social Media Social Good: Do Best Practices Make a Difference?

Not the Best Example of Best Practices

Call me an old fart…but just call me back! Yipes, what has happened to doing business today? Are these so-called “Best Practices” really best at all? I thought it was flaky back in my showbiz days – before email, texts, smart-phones, computers, and all the tech that is supposed to “connect” us. Yes, email began during my tenure in “the biz” but cell-phones were basic and real phone calls were the bread and butter of doing business. Our Best Practices were called courtesy and hard work!

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