Cup of Coffee: It Really is About Communication

Caffeine facts and information

When I grew up there were coffee shops, not places that more or less exclusively served coffee and snacks. Coffee shops were diners and casual restaurants, which often had counters with stools for individuals. There was a local chain of them in our area that my family loved to frequent. Now, it’s fast food and Starbuck’s. But does a cup of coffee mean communication or just a cup ‘o joe while surfing the web, sitting alone, and isolated? Is it just the older retired people who actually meet at the local coffee spot to talk and people watch?

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Can Our Kids Handle Criticism

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Featured guests:

Wayne Levine ( for “The Men’s Room.”

Holly Flanders – Olympic and World Cup ski champion

Special Guest, Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “The Women’s Room.”

I often wonder if our kids can handle criticism. This show is based on this “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, Constructive Criticism: Are Today’s Millennials too Thin-Skinned to Handle It?

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A Rant on Political Correctness

You all know I like to rant. Just about nothing gets me more riled up than political correct nonsense. And nonsense is just the right word. I took excerpts from a recent radio show, Let’s Talk about Political Correctness, that I had video’d. Though I don’t “do politics,” I can’t help but often speak and write about my disdain for speech codes and the irony of political correctness limiting free speech. You know, rant. My most recent column on this was Diversity, Equality, and Other Four-Letter Words I Disdain. But, this short video will give you a hint at the passion and ire I have towards this subject!

Parent Choice at #DadChat

No, we’re not talking about School Choice. Parent Choice is simply my way of saying that this week’s #DadChat – on Thursday, February 7 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET – is open to anything YOU want to discuss.

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Valentine’s Day: Not a Review of The Five Love Languages

We’ve met some very interesting couples over the years. Interesting in that they were so different from each other, yet they found each other and had what we viewed as terrific relationships. Since my wife and I also have solidly different backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions, we find these other couples fascinating. In light of Valentine’s Day, let’s take a look at these couples, us too, and talk about love. Note: You may enjoy last year’s Valentine’s Day column, Guys Hate Valentine’s Day.

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Men vs. Women: Dieting, Exercise, and Losing Weight

DietingWell, it seems perfect to take on dieting and losing weight early in the year since it is the NUMBER ONE resolution most people make every New Year! But, like every column in this ongoing series, men and women approach diet, weight loss, and exercise quite differently. And, like every column in this series, I will be making many generalizations, which often and usually have exceptions. And, I will do my best to annoy any Women’s Studies professors and/or students!

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