Losing Your Child During #Divorce at #DadChat

Parents fighting in front of child

Divorce sucks. Anyone that has gone through a divorce knows this is true. I’ve heard fairy tales of “nice” divorces but I’ve never known of one, ESPECIALLY where kids are involved. I call Family Courts – ANTI-FAMILY COURTS and I call so-called family lawyers – ANTI-FAMILY LAWYERS and sometimes names inappropriate for a family-oriented website. But, NOTHING is worse than when the court, the lawyers, or the warring spouses do EXACTLY what they all know is EXACTLY the wrong thing to do and put the children in the middle.

This Thursday, June 5 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET we are going to TAKE ON this tough issue with a man who has lived it, Marc Clark and his associate Alana Seal. We will be giving away TWO COPIES of Marc’s best-selling book, The Princess Fables, at this week’s #DadChat.

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Verizon – A Company that does NOT Believe in Customer Service


I know I’m old when I really get nostalgic about so many things. Top of the list is good customer service. Yes, I remember when uniformed gas station attendants cheerfully came out and offered to fill your tank, check your oil and tire pressure, AND clean your windshield. Yes, I remember going into a shoe store where a man in a suit would come out and offer to help. AND, he actually was a professional who knew all about EVERY shoe in the store and took pride in being a GREAT shoe salesman.

The list goes on and on. Today it’s slightly different.

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The Real Problem Is…Part One

Chinese birth policy

What is the biggest world problem? Some would have you believe it is Climate Change; others might say Iran, China, and/or North Korea, while others will cite Russia or corruption/dissention in our capital. Yes, those are all problems with the exception, in my opinion, of “climate change” which used to be labeled “global warming” but is simply – WEATHER.

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Did I Achieve My (#SocialMedia) Goals? REPORT CARD

Making Money online

When I began my second career in writing and then in Social Media, I had four goals. The first three were in no order of importance but the fourth was a distant fourth from the others. It’s been quite a while since I began and it seems time for a “report card” and review of how successful I was at achieving these goals.

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