Sex, Our Kids, and Us is the topic at #DadChat this week, Thursday February 2 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m., PST. A frank discussion will take place with someone who speaks for our kids, Lauri Burns. No one will accuse #DadChat of shying away from the serious, though we are often silly. Last week we had a very serious discussion about The Triple Decker Sandwich Generation, led by @BarryBirkett, and its affects on all three layers of that challenging sandwich – us, our kids, and our seniors.
Tag Archives: oprah
Am I a Selfish Parent?
It’s high time I wrote a column that stirs some reaction, creates some controversy, and isn’t so sweet and nice. No gratitude for surviving what should have been a deadly car crash, no treatises on the values of volunteering, or even about the importance of spending more quantity time with your kids. After all, this is a man’s point-of-view, not some touchy-feely new age guru. Look at the magazine rack at your local bookstore. The women’s section is literally full, while the men’s section mostly consists of magazines about cars, motorcycles, or supermen who climb ridiculously high mountains without oxygen. We won’t even talk about daytime television where Oprah and Ellen dominate. I don’t count Dr. Phil, for obvious reasons.
So, what is it that is so different and might rankle some of my by now loyal readers and fans (I can dream, can’t I)? It’s simply the notion that sometimes it’s necessary to be a selfish parent and think of yourself. This applies, in my opinion and observance, most especially to stressed single moms whose ex’s participate little or not at all, much as my situation was till I was blessed to meet ShortRib (my nickname for my wife) and re-marry. Frankly, either due to the fact I am a man or maybe an inherent selfish slug, I never suffered from this problem. I managed to find time for myself and the needs of the boys.