Tag Archives: Parenting Tips
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Technology and Our Kids at #DadChat
Technology and us…let alone OUR KIDS – is an evergreen topic at #DadChat. Why? Because it is ever-changing and ever-present in all our lives. When we can have a true expert on the topic, I leap at the opportunity and that is what we have this Thursday, May 22 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET with Brian Fanzo.
Brian Fanzo is the proud Dad of 3 girls, living in Arizona. He was born in Pittsburgh and is a diehard fan for all Pittsburgh Sports. He IS a Social Media Geek who loves technology and currently is the Social Technology Evangelist at @Iodatacenters focused on collaboration, community and teaching change. I think, however, he LOVES being a dad – READ…
Some questions to ponder and ask Brian:
~~ Are YOU as tech savvy as YOUR kids?
~~ When you get a new tech toy, who figures it out first – YOU or the kids?
~~ What do you do to protect your family on the web?
~~ Do your kids have unfettered access to all forms of media?
~~ What is YOUR biggest fear about the Internet?
~~ What is YOUR biggest love about the Internet?
Some suggest tweets to invite your friends to join #DadChat this week:
Guest @iSocial_Fanz takes us into Tech and Our Kids at #DadChat Thursday
Technology and Our Kids comes to #DadChat tomorrow
Do YOU trust the Internet with brining up YOUR kids – #DadChat tonigh
The Real Problem Is…Part One
What is the biggest world problem? Some would have you believe it is Climate Change; others might say Iran, China, and/or North Korea, while others will cite Russia or corruption/dissention in our capital. Yes, those are all problems with the exception, in my opinion, of “climate change” which used to be labeled “global warming” but is simply – WEATHER.
I’m Mad as Hell but Do I Have to Take It?
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Featured guests:
Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board – for “Political Talk.”
Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”
Dr. Liz Matheis – Her website.
Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s world and local events…as well as this week’s column, Observations of Boston.
LGBT or Straight – What (Sex) Lifestyle will YOUR Kids Choose – at #DadChat
#DadChat has never shied away from tough topics and this week’s chat, Thursday May 15 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET, is NO exception as we take on the (sexual) lifestyle choices our kids WILL be exposed to AND taught in our schools. The topic came up when I invited a gay friend to be our co-host. He’s a Social Media love-hound, flamboyant in his looks and demeanor in a totally infectious way, and beloved among all his friends.
Observations of Boston
I arrived in Boston the day after the running of the marathon, the first running after the horrible bombings of last year. I came to Boston to help my son deal with moving home after two years of attending school here. I rented a small (TINY) apartment for the 17 days I’ll be here and I’m writing this about halfway through my visit.
The Political Hypocrisy of Feminists
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Featured guests:
Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board – for “Political Talk.”
Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”
Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”
Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s world and local events…
Did I Achieve My (#SocialMedia) Goals? REPORT CARD
When I began my second career in writing and then in Social Media, I had four goals. The first three were in no order of importance but the fourth was a distant fourth from the others. It’s been quite a while since I began and it seems time for a “report card” and review of how successful I was at achieving these goals.