Favorite Mom Moments for #MothersDay at #DadChat

Momma Loves book coverIt’s Mother’s Day this Sunday. What are you doing for Mother’s Day? How about sharing your favorite Mom Moment with us at #DadChat this Thursday, May 8, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. We have special guest Ali Smith, photographer and author of Momma Love joining us. And, you can win a personally autographed copy of her book for the mom in YOUR LIFE for this Mother’s Day.

Momma Love has again been included in The New York Times list of 8 best picks for Mother’s Day – Books to Share on Mother’s Day!

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Why Do Some Things Go Viral?

Going viral

Have you ever wondered why some things go viral while others don’t? Why one funny baby photo or video will be splashed all over the web and news while another equally funny one will get two views? Well, I have the answer. I know exactly what ingredients are needed to make any photo, video, or post go viral. It’s really quite simple.

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What if You Knew How Long You Would Live? And, the Value of College – Is There Any?

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Featured guests:

Cherylyn Harley LeBon – Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisory Board – for “Political Talk.”

Pastor Drew Sams for “Spiritual Talk.”

Dr. Jennifer Weberman (The Parenting Playground) for “Therapy Talk.”

Today’s radio show is inspired by this week’s “A Dad’s Point-of-View” column, Would You Sign a Life Contract?, but we will, as usual, cover a gamut of subjects.

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I Feel Old, Part One

Getting old comic

Yes, we’ve all heard the phrase “you’re only as old as you feel.” And, I tend to agree with it. I am living life to the fullest in my memory. Nonetheless, there are things that make me “feel” old, emotionally. There are so many contemporary examples that I feel compelled to make a list. Heck, we all like lists. And, as it’s turned out, I can’t even complete the list in one column!

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