#Food, #Allergies, and #Eczema at #DadChat with Mei

Living with Eczema by @MarcieMom

Do your kids suffer from itching? Lack of sleep? We all know how much food can affect our well-being. Many of us suffer from allergies that are food-related or from other sources. These chronic problems are especially difficult for our children who often are too young to understand the pain and discomforts they feel. For parents, NOTHING is worse than seeing your child in pain (or discomfort). Thursday September 18 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET we will discuss this issue with co-host Marcie Mom aka Mei, our favorite #DadChat regular, from Singapore.

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Do As I Say – Not As I Do! #MoralQuestionOfTheWeek


Are you a parental hypocrite? Do you tell your kids the dangers of smoking or drinking, while holding a cigarette and beer? How about something less obvious – do you NOT wear a helmet when you ski or ride a bike while demanding that your kids wear one? I see this ALL the time when I ski and it makes me nuts! Very simply, are YOU a parental hypocrite? Own it if you are and work to change it. Remember that your kids SEE everything you do.

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#DadChat Discusses How to Explain EVIL to Our Kids – 9/11

9:11 with Statue of LIberty

September 11, 2001 — I remember it VERY WELL. I think most adults do. A friend called and said to turn on the TV. I did. I didn’t leave it for hours. My boys were 4 and 7. They were largely oblivious. I think school was cut short that day. I don’t remember. They didn’t understand or ask many questions. #DadChat this Thursday — September 11, 2014 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET — will talk about HOW to discuss/explain such huge world tragedies and EVIL to our children. It is NOT easy to do. We should NOT protect them fully from the world’s travails but age appropriate talk is important.

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What really happens at a girl sleepover

When I was a kid, I did “sleepovers” at my friend’s houses. By the time I was double-digit age, it was no longer “cool” and it stopped. Today’s kids start sleepovers early and, apparently, they never end. Today, there are sleepovers of groups of high-schoolers, and sleepovers of boy/girl couples IN one of their parents’ homes. HELLO?

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Mozeying in Mozambique #Africa #Travel

Mozambique, Africa is and was a very dangerous place when we ported there in December/January. Consequently, we chose to stay on the ship so this is just what we could see from port. Given we went to 13 countries, 22 cities, in 33 days, we didn’t feel deprived on our trip to Africa, India, and the UAE.

#DadChat Is Teaching Kids to Care #NoKidHungry


What is the #1 ingredient to happiness? Money? Success? Sex? NO! The single biggest ingredient to happiness is GRATITUDE. Most of our kids are living blessed lives yet most of our younger generation is more self-involved than ever. Tonight at #DadChat, August 28 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m.ET, we are going to TEACH OUR KIDS TO CARE (about something other than themselves) with special co-host Tim McDonald.

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Coming Out, #Family, and #Music with Lord Christian at #DadChat

Boys Scouts of America

                                     Christian – Eagle Scout

Every parent wants the best for their kids. I asked the Moral Question of the Week, WHICH do you want most for your kids – to be Happy, Good, or Successful? Yes, we want all three but not on that list is, do you care about your kid(s) sexuality? I would assume that most of the #DadChat community is open-minded and, dare I say, inclusive. I know there’s no homophobia in our community BUT that doesn’t answer the question of how YOU would deal with a child that is questioning his or her sexuality? We are going to TAKE THIS ON with co-host Christian Hollingsworth aka Lord Christian, who has lived it and then some this Thursday July 21 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. PT/9:00 – 10:00 p.m. ET.

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