Feminism – Has it helped OR hurt our boys and girls – at #DadChat

Feminism comic

Is Feminism to blame for the good and the bad in our kids’ lives? Why are boys doing worse than ever while our girls are doing better in terms of academics, high school graduation, and college admissions? Has Title IV helped or hurt our kids? Do you believe our elementary schools are feminized? How many male teachers do you see these days?

Let’s discuss the POWER that feminism has instilled in our girls/women and its upside AND downside this Thursday July 17 at #DadChat, at 6:00 p.m. PT/9:00 p.m. ET. We have noted expert Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar as our very special co-host. Be sure to read her bio, below…

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Why YOUR Company/Brand Should Sponsor #DadChat aka The Difference Between a #Twitter Party and a TweetChat


The Twitter Party began as a great new marketing tool in Social Media. It’s morphed into an infomercial. Whereas companies seek to actually engage with customers, the Twitter Party is pretty much about swag. It’s about getting something for nothing. It’s NOT about a topic that has general interest that is related to the sponsoring company/brand. But, a Tweet Chat sponsorship is all that and more. And, #DadChat offers the best demographics available on Twitter.

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How to Buy a Car with Your Son

Buying a new car

I took my son car shopping recently and it was truly a fun and illuminating experience – for both of us! Actually, the title of this column is slightly wrong since we were lease shopping though, for all practicality, it is was the same thing since the lessons learned are similar and even a bit more layered when a lease is involved.

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Lessons Learned When My Computer was Stolen

Stolen computer

We have been trying to sell our home and at a recent Open House, when I was not at the house, my laptop was stolen from my desk. According to our realtor, it was a “quiet” Open House so my first reaction was to be angry with her since how could anyone leave carrying my laptop if she were paying attention? Upon remembering that my realtor is my wife, I quickly changed my tune.

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